
@Illundiel: So to summarize, Thomas Edison was a loser, the NSA is reading your email and Google is a crappy search engine that hardly does any indexing. But you're an omnipotent genius.

@Illundiel: Sorry, do you have some references you'd like to share with the rest of the class or am I supposed to take your word for it because your grandfather worked on it? The phrase "Army Navy Engineer Corp" in Google turns up FOUR references. Any guesses where they are?

@Illundiel: Actually, it was DARPA, not the Army-Navy Engineer Corp (by which I assume you mean the Army Corps of Engineers?) that developed the precursor to the modern global internet. ([en.wikipedia.org]) But that's relevant how? It would be one thing if the govt chose to firewall off govt sites during an emergency,

@Illundiel: Our rights are not given by the government, they were ours before we were born. We are, as the Declaration says, endowed by our Creator. Don't confuse the fact that the federal government has trampled over the very tight constraints which the Constitution places on it with some farcical notion that

@AmphetamineCrown: While I recommend Mozy to all my clients, I don't use it myself for the reason you cited (the network mounted drives). That said, I think you'd find the restore MUCH faster than the backup. I don't know the size of what you're backing up, but Mozy tries to work quietly in the background and not

@senshikaze: I thought Linux machines were fire- theft- and flood-proof. :-)

@will_hopkins: Can you clarify? Do you mean you're doing ToRead and "Read Later" from the same page, or that you don't use "ToRead" until after you clear it from Instapaper? Sorry, I'm new to both tools but they look great.

I THINK I'm lucky in that I ordered at 6am yesterday. My order went through with no problems and I printed my completed order. However, I haven't received a confirmation email, but the order shows up in my account.

@xxdesmus: Same here. i ordered at 6am and printed out my confirmation, but did not receive an email.

Wait a minute . . . are you telling me there's something MORE recent than my Office 2003? I need to get out more often . . . :-)

@xominous: Thanks for the clarification. As I said, I'm not familiar with the specific technical issue, but read from the article's "iPhone 4 to the conference center's Wi-Fi network, due in part to the large number of connections and cellular-to-wireless access points being wielded by the tech-savvy audience" that

Best way to overcome problems is to anticipate them. I'm not familiar with the situation at this conference, but why the freaking hell wouldn't Steve Jobs have . . . I dunno . . . his own secured wireless router, hardwired to a good connection, secured so that only he could access it, and placed 2 feet away from him

@eien: heheheh in the spirit of peace love and understanding, I have just added Tremors 2 to my Netflix queue:

@eien: Respectfully, a movie reference that returns almost no Google hits . . . not much of a movie reference. :-) Tremors 2 is not exactly The Godfather iykwim. Given the number of people jumping on the original suggestion as awful (even in this comment thread!), I took your comments seriously. Glad it turns out

@capitalH: Whether it's gross or not was not what I was pointing out. I was pointing out the series of people who posted comments clearly indicating they hadn't (or couldn't) read the post. As Lincoln said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

@eien: Sorry, that's absurd. How do you account for vacuum-sealed bags, ziploc bags or for that matter Tupperware. What about shelf-stable bottles of juice. The world is filled with things that are protected from oxygen by a thin plastic bag.

Won't you please donate $1 to solve rampant illiteracy amongst LH readers?

From the picture it appears to make them shrink by 50% too!

I usually don't like to point out typos since I make one of them on average for every two characers I type, but I was amused to see that this tip was featured in both the personal finance blog "Get Rich Slowly" and in the niche blog describing long cons to perpetrate on Rick Astley, "Get Rick Slowly". What are the

@dexter_greycells: This makes as much sense as saying, "LCD TVs, one of those electronics equipments that refuse to die out even when you have projectors that will broadcast a 10' wide image in a bright room." I have an LCD in one room of my house and a projector in another. They serve different needs, but the