
I concur with the Hive Five idea. I did my own internal polling (i.e. me) a few months back, testing out a number of services when I happened to have many packages coming and going the same week. I ended up choosing [UseTrackThis.com] because of their email and SMS updates and Google login. I've been very pleased

The killer app for this would be a visitor mode. When your friend walks too close to the window, a bird comes out of nowhere and SPLAT right into the window. Is that wrong?

@ClintonD: Duhh, cause it IS a decomposing chopped-off finger. Didn't you read the article?? They're the best for keeping your sandwich cold cause you can wrap them right around the sandwich, just like your *own* fingers!!

@Maave: I haven't read it, but it sounds like a good read. I firmly believe the biggest vulnerabilities in most organizations are the ones who walk in and out of the building each day :-) As a consultant I've visited hundreds of companies over the years, and while some are quite physically secure, I'm constantly

I've been using Multimonitor Taskbar for this. Puts little left/right arrow in the title bar, configurable as to where. One click moves apps to the other monitor.

@Homerjay is utterly alone.: No, his point was that this new password would be generated based on adjacency on a DVORAK keyboard when he made them. He would need to remember the dvorak adjacencies, which can not be derived from looking at a qwerty keyboard.

@oneillkid: Yeah, I think they should do away with all sorts of competition. Why do we need so many companies making cars, or food, or music. The government should pick 4 bands — 2 rock and 2 R&B — and then just let them focus on holding really huge concerts, at controlled prices. That'd be soooo awesome, just like

@Maave @ChaosEH: Thanks. Well, once again reading LH has made me smarter (well, at least less ignorant) as this type of attack is one I was not familiar with. So, good to know. I wonder, is the hash algorithm itself generally secured? I'd assume there are an infinite variety of them in the same vein as

@ChaosEh: If I understand you correctly (and I'll admit, I probably don't) you're saying that if an attacker was able to intercept the traffic between the user and the server during a legitimate interaction, and captured during that interaction the hash of the password password, and knew the algorithm for the hash,

My pet peeve is the requirement for complex passwords on systems that lock out after "n" bad tries. As long as n < 10 or so, the only complexity needed is to make sure I don't pick one of the first 10 passwords an intruder is likely to try. Seriously, why require upper/lower/alpha/numeric/special/grunting when the

Lately with my HTPC setup, I've been trying to convert my 300+ DVD's to digital to alleviate space. However truth be told, with my home internet speeds and lack of a bandwith cap, it is actually about 3-4 times faster to download the digital copy rather than using Handbrake.

@stui: I can't make out if she's single or not from this picture, but I at least lightened it up a bit for you. :-)

@imajoebob: They do offer SPF 436, but they market it under a different name. It's called a house. :-)

@Knoll318: LOL!! "dot, not feather" must be the most concise genealogical summary in human history. Congrats on that. :-)

Someone emailed this to me earlier in the week. While it's aesthetically interesting, I can't help but think it's less comfortable, less absorbent, less hygenic and less washable than a terry cloth bathmat. Further, the terry bathmat costs <$10 and this project is probably a couple hours at the minimum, which means

@chrisaroz: My apologies. I incorrectly thought you were implying that all those people who were railing against the silly iPad were somehow a vocal minority. My bad. Sorry. :-)

@chrisaroz: Which vocal minority? The 90% of the computer market that doesn't own Apples? Or the 55% of poll respondents who are not getting an iPad? Just curious . . .

@DesignHobo: Except actual apples. Fujis, Jonagolds, even Granny Smiths . . . I love those. :-)

@Schmeg Peg: Yeah, the celebratory feeling people have when getting a refund always makes me cringe. I want to say, "Give me $1000 today and a year from now I'll give you the $1000 back as a refund, k?"