
@gMan: It actually *can* hurt, especially if you're NOT getting a refund, since you'll owe interest and (potentially) penalties on what you owe. Otherwise, everyone who owed would file an extension and get an interest free loan on what they owe.

@Ike_Skelton: If you mean getting your refund, that means almost nothing. The refund process (afaik) only covers some basic math, but you can still be audited for something like 3 years. I recall some case a few years ago where someone submitted a return which said they'd earned something like $500,000 and withheld

Am I the only one who is thinking April Fool's here?

@shockwaver: Agreed, I love the idea of gmail suffixes for filtering mail in one direction or another, but it would amaze me if any spammers were not aware that they could truncate "+xxx" from all their gmail addresses. For legit mail, though, it's great.

@shockwaver: the funniest part of my email domain experience is that my domain is one character off (an "s" instead of an "f" from a mid-sized Indian company whose employees apparently don't enunciate. :-) So one of my gmail filters is a massive list of Indian first_last names I've gotten mail for which autoreply as

@AmphetamineCrown: Maybe a Fire Station, where there's already a pole in place? :-) Or the Bada Bing?

@shockwaver: This may already be how you're doing it, but I do the same thing and just make one account on Google Apps which is a catch-all, which means I don't need to set up a new account for each site I use.

@tensai: The most interesting part of your latest comment (to me anyhow) is that it shows "Edited by tensai . . .". Like somehow, you were finished, you looked at it and thought to yourself, "Nahh, that doesn't make me sound like enough of an idiot, I'll add one more f-bomb." What kind of an intellectual powerhouse

Gina rocks. Thanks, Gina!! One of my favorite extensions, by far.

@tensai: Are you serious? This is seriously the way you ask a favor of someone who is doing you a favor and writing great code for you for free? Are you a complete moron? Were you just not allowed to play with other kids growing up? Do you find in life that your approach works real well? Unbelievable . . .

600 cans of soda weigh as much as 100 6-packs of soda. Or 50 12-packs.

@TheOtherHalf: CFL's lead to mercury contamination. Candles lead to wax burns. It's looking more and more like Edison was on to something! ;-)

@ossuary: Just make sure if you break that enviro-dreamy CFL you follow the EPA's handy 19-point plan for your new home-based mercury spill:

@Chip Skylark of Space: Again, better to remain silent. It wasn't my comment (the little name thingy to the left of each comment tells you the person who MADE the comment). Someone expressed their sentiment that they share with the 62% of Americans who want this bill repealed — namely that it moves us toward less

@Chip Skylark of Space: "@Jason: I'm not happy to go to that level, but I used terms he could understand."

@talkingstove: I remember when they used to come up to me at LAX and offer to clean up my context menu in exchange for a small donation. Now they've gone modern!

This is admittedly the first time I've seen this test, but the first thing that occurred to me is it's testing something utterly pointless. I can't begin to imagine a scenario in which this would be the deciding factor in someone choosing a phone. Has anyone ever heard a complaint about any of these phones that the

@Compro01: Like most liberal rebuttals of course there is no data, no links, no sources, no grounding for your assertions. Have you ever worked in a field where you had to convince anyone of anything? Did implying that a 4th grader would know better seem to work? Were the colleagues you sought to convince 3rd

@Thomas Wrobel: Thomas, you've clearly been reading your "Party of No" talking points, congrats. But if you watched the healthcare "summit" you saw that the Republicans *do* have a proposal to fix it — water in my analogy. It includes things like tort reform to reduce the frivolous lawsuits that put good doctors out

@Arvedui: There's a lot of misinformation in what you say, and frankly I'm getting tired of discussing these issues with people who are so comfortable giving up their freedoms, but here goes: