
@nczuma: Not thinking about it is not the same as not consuming it. If gas were free, you'd use more of it. You'd drive more and carpool less because there'd be no cost associated with it.

@nczuma: the point is that single payer inevitably leads to reductions in resources. That's why you wait in Canada, because the government throttles resources and there's nobody to compete with them.

@Mayor McRib: Yeah, but those would have been the most AWESOME business cards evah!!

Extemporaneous speaking, 8th grade. Mr. Jones. Incredible guy.

@weland: That could also end up being the most important class for someone you help too! Good pick!

@Protector one: I think that definitely counts. Probably even maed you like art more! :-)

@Midnite1: I think he sees this as his legacy and wanted more than anything to be a "consequential" President. But as this thing bogs down in the courts and energizes the 60% of Americans who did not want it passed, the only consequence he's likely to achieve is leading his party off a cliff. It's stunning to look at

@boomshadow: Oh, but I see you added the word FAIL in all caps, so I guess you must be right. Are you posting this from the computer lab in your junior high school? Can we act like grown-ups if we're going to discuss grown-up issues?

@boomshadow: What is that, like the sixth time in this post that you've attacked a messenger rather than addressing yourself to the facts? He was the director of the CBO and he's outlined in great detail where the budget gimmicks are and how they will vastly understate the costs. If you disagree then present your

@nczuma: " If you take away the financial value associated with something, people won't go crazy with consumption, they just won't care about it anymore." We're not talking about taking away the value, we're talking about taking away the COST. Name me one thing that people value which, if you made it free, people

@boomshadow: No, sorry if I didn't speak slowly enough for you. My point was the silliness of arguing that rather than respond to the 9/11 attacks by pursuing the Taliban and AQ in Afghanistan (quote: in our two wars) we should have bought universal healthcare instead. It's just a silly argument. One has nothing to

@boomshadow: So you've admitted that you don't watch Fox News. And yet you probably assume, based on Daily Show and Colbert, that Glen Beck is a news reporter.

@chrismpenfold: Point number 1: I was responding to the OP's declaration that government-run medicine for all would make us a "developed nation". I don't have a comparative study at hand, but I do know that for more than 1 in 100,000 UK citizens (not people having surgery, but 1 in 100,000 of ALL citizens) ended up

@tgrantt: S0 you disagree with all 20? If not, how about listing the ones you disagree with and why. All are a decline in freedoms, and all cite the specific parts of the law which enact them. Let's be specific shall we?

@bobbo33: Make you a deal. You post a video of yourself dumping a bucket of gasoline on your flaming shes and I'll reconsider how idiotic is the statement that "doing nothing is not an option". :-)

@tgrantt: Insurance companies *evil* profits, if you confiscated all of them, would pay for the antion's healthcare for about 2 weeks. It's a canard that insurance companies are devouring all the money. They're constrained in their profits by the competition with other insurers (and would be more so if we'd freed

@nczuma: Actually this is why I was so surprised to see Canadians rooting for Obamacare. You *currently* have the best of both worlds because you can come here (as Danny Williams did to save his own life [www.google.com]). Why would you want the US system to become like Canada's? Then you won't have the choice of

@chrismpenfold: I'm quoting the world's largest circulating English newspaper, which references 722 specific cases of NHS records showing medical instruments left inside patients. Why do liberals always insist on attacking the messenger (Fox News is eeeevvvviiiillll!!!!!) instead of arguing the facts. It's almost as

@george9807: George, seriously you can't just admit that you meant to say 19th century and are therefore justifying health care reform in 2010 on the basis of wrongs committed in the 1700s and 1800s. Martin Luther King gave his I Have a Dream speech in 1963. You referred to the "late 20th century". You said, "Oh so

@Prakhar Bahuguna: Stop STOP! You're ruining the romantic illusion than some in America have about quaint European villages where people carry their baguettes down cobblestone streets. Personally I lived in Switzerland for awhile and like me a good Migros market. :-)