
20 Ways Obamacare will affect you, citing specific passages of the bill, from Investor's Business Daily:

@Phoshi: Jeez, where to begin. First off, it's the SECOND amendment which guarantees the right to bear arms, not the first.

@Fiona Conn: Doesn't break it at all. It points out yet another thing that would be smarter than throwing gasoline on a fire. My point (sorry if it was not clear enough) is that just because there's a problem doesn't mean ANY action is preferable to NO action. Some actions, such as adding a new government

@TehBeardMan: Well, stick with it . . . I'm afraid the future of the Republic now depends on what people in your category decide they want their relationship with the government to look like.

Here's what the last CBO director says of the costs of the bill:

@george9807: Which large group of Americans lacked freedom in this country in the late 1900's? Or do you just not know what the 20th century means . . . [en.wikipedia.org]

@TehBeardMan: Please don't rely on the New York Times as your only source for facts. I read the Times, but I also read competing views. These days it's only by comparing different viewpoints that you can filter through the BS and spin imho.

@wahoo-yahoo: And just think how much we could have saved if we'd not fought World War II!! We'd all be RICH!!!!! Rich I tell you!!

@warped2049: For the record, there was no audio or video of the racial epithets in spite of there being hundreds of cameras out and about. And in fact one news source I read this morning had reviewed video of the entire walk of John Lewis from Canon to the House and there was no recording of it whatsoever. It appears

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Tenth amendment my friend: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

@bodenski: All the "ALL" will have is "coverage" but with fewer and fewer doctors taking medicare and medicaid because of the abysmal rates the govt pays, those "ALL" will have nobody to see them. All this bill does is move us toward the countries whose single-payer systems bring dramatically fewer doctors, longer

@cmaceachen: Is it like some sort of uncontrollable response any time you don't like facts to just attack Fox News? If they're so incorrect why do so many liberals appear on their programs? Ed Rendell, Juan Williams, Mara Liasson, Bob Beckel . . . what are you so afraid of? Facts?

The most overused canard of the President's 200+ speeches on healthcare (which moved public opinion not a whit [www.rasmussenreports.com]) is that "doing nothing is not an option". In fact, doing nothing is the *better* option when the something you're considering would make things *worse*.

@Phoshi: Phoshi, as of whatever moment the President signs this bill, Americans will no longer have the freedom to choose whether they want to buy medical insurance. If they did want to buy it, they wouldn't have the freedom to buy a high-deductible plan, or a plan for single people, or a plan for old people.

From a political standpoint, I think an article this morning in the Atlantic makes a number of points worth keeping in mind on both sides of the aisle:

@Nitesh Singh: So by developed nations do you mean countries whose single-payer health care systems leave an average of 722 surgical instruments a year inside their patients: [www.thesun.co.uk]

@usul356: Well, here's a hint . . . the insurance companies were among the biggest supporters of this legislation. Never before in history has the government REQUIRED that citizens purchase an industry's product as a condition of lawful citizenship. So, do you think they're going to be nicer now that you're legally

@Petey-ed: Petey, that's RIDICIULOUS. Didn't you hear, we're going to spend a trillion dollars and SAVE money. And besides, the government has been so good at estimating costs in the past, with medicare, social security, etc, that's why those programs today are all over-funded and returning excess money to the

@Prairie Moon: I make a big distinction between hostility (if mine was hostile) in response to hostility versus hostility in response to some nice fellow trying to help others keep their LP's clean. Dropping the all-caps F-bomb on a guy because he likes background music is a bit over the top. :-)