Jason Krell

Hey Doc, thanks for writing back! I just wanted to make a point of clarification/ask a follow-up. I wasn’t super clear about actually how short things are -- but it’s pretty short. Maybe a couple minutes. Sometimes it feels like less if we haven’t had sex in a while. Five minutes actually sounds like a great amount of

Letter writer here! We definitely have talked about it, and I think I should have been more clear about that. It hasn’t been a deep conversation, but a few brief ones. I think a more in-depth one is in the very near future though, and is a good idea.

Makes sense from a journalistic perspective but still sounds very wierd to me lol

“Japanese Competitive Pokemon Meta is All About the Element of Surprise” would have described it much better imo.

Just keep in mind, this is high level TOURNAMENT play. Would you feel discouraged about throwing a ball around with friends because of the skill displayed in a pro sport? Or watch a Melee tournament and decide never to play Smash?

Seems like a bit of an odd stance to take considering half the article is talking about reading your opponent’s strategy and attempting to bait them into making the wrong move.

Thanks for this. This is one of the more informative articles I’ve read about the Meta in a while.

For those interested, Gio has one of the best (if not the best) VGC YouTube series. He uses his Eevee team and puts in hours of work to make it feel like the original anime. You can check it out here!

Fantastic article. I think the biggest problem is that this is a slower metagame of pokemon in general. There are fast pokemon still but the average is much lower. Mega Charizard would threaten the crap out of this thing in a different metagame. Also Thunderous would laugh at its stalling attempts not to mention

It’s fun to EV train these types of pokemon, more fun to use them and win, but it is an ABSOLUTE TERROR to fight against them.