I would LOVE to have more of these kinds of articles. Even if it isn’t just about pokemon. I find metagame conversations interesting. It lets me understand what is strong in a game and what mind games happen even if I haven’t played it.
I would LOVE to have more of these kinds of articles. Even if it isn’t just about pokemon. I find metagame conversations interesting. It lets me understand what is strong in a game and what mind games happen even if I haven’t played it.
Some competitive pokémon on my kotaku feed. I like it.
Oh yeah? Well...I still use a Flame Body Talonflame to hatch eggs. Gone but not forgotten.
While I sympathize with your love of the unknown — I love surprises too! — this is a news outlet, and we don’t believe that reporting on news requires a spoiler warning. Sorry.
It’s not Fire Emblem without Permadeath. I’m sorry it just isn’t.
Nah. Too soon. I named her John Cena
I guess “Blizzard is running into the same problem Riot has in associating their lore with the actual gameplay, so they’ll hedge their bets for now with some vague statements and try to figure out a better solution” is a bit unwieldy as a title.
Man Fulfills Dream To Be Asshole In Comment Section
I have got to say, this one helped me more than any of the other ones. I’ve been pretty hung up on an ex of mine for about a year and a half. The relationship ended very abruptly and without much explanation. There’s been this part of me saying that if I just give it some time, we might be able to go back. But after…
Spot on advice. My boyfriend and I had only been dating for about two months before he was hit with a mystery illness that left him bedridden for a prolonged period of time. It was fucking difficult to deal with, and eight months later we are still together but still dealing with the damage that his illness caused to…
I’m not convinced she’s a bad person (there are ways one could interpret her actions that could assume well-meaning intentions, if one were inclined to give the benefit of the doubt), but the fact remains that she’s bad FOR HIM.
He’ll, I feel like I knew the answer to the question as soon as I read the headline! There are exceptions, of course, but circumstances would have to be pretty crazy to make getting back together with an ex a GOOD idea. An acceptable idea? A workable idea? Maybe. But a good idea? There’s gotta be a pretty convoluted…
The fact is that she was probably really scared about losing a primary caregiver, even if she felt annoyed by him at times, and maybe thought once her health changed things would get better. I don’t blame her for that. That seems like a very human reaction to the fear and uncertainty of dealing with illness.
Short answer on the “getting back together with” question:
Long answer:
There’s a reason an “ex” is an ex.
Whether it was timing, maturity, situation, or any number of other variables that caused the relationship to fail, it failed for a reason.
I’m not a believer in fate; in fact, I genuinely hate the idea that one…
Speaking from first-hand experience, it’s also terrifying and depressing. The guilt gets exponentially worse if you’re the person who wants out of the relationship with the person who is suffering.
My girlfriend went through a pretty tough time 1 1/2 years back with anxiety and depression. I remember being at my brothers house for Christmas not even a month after my mother passed away and on Christmas Eve hearing about how terrible a time she was having with her parents [due to an anxiety attack she believes was…
Brutal. Chronic mental or physical illness is the destroyer of relationships.