
Thank you! (And the pun is excellent, lol)

Oh yes I am super familiar with this! I have every sleep disorder known to man including Exploding Head Syndrome. I haven’t had it in a while and your story made me realize it. In my case it’s a variety pack including falling off a step, being punched in the face and a gunshot like bang noise. It’s super weird but I’m

ooof. We were not so lucky. I still don’t know how they got in, they tried getting in through the garage door which was locked by kicking the dog door. That didn’t work, so the kitchen window they came in. My dippy corgi Lucy, clearly did not intimidate them. As a matter of fact, she was in the backyard and when we

I really love the thought of demonic horrors that still care deeply about the environment.

Living in the perpetual drought of California, I’m going to have to acknowledge that demon dog-rat had a valid point and was using its dark, guttural voice for the greater good. . .

Sounds like an opossum. They are particular about conserving water.

What do you think the little boy was all about?

The Voice from the Water

What. The. Fuck! This is honestly one of the scariest ones yet. 

Last year, I submitted a story to this contest; here is the story in its original, unaltered form.

Almost a year ago, I was back in my house after spending two weeks abroad to see my family. Around 2 in the morning, The door bell jolts me awake. I’m sitting up, look at my partner. He’s fast asleep. I look out the window, pretty freaked out but I can’t see anybody at the door. I go to a different room to look out,

I work in an office attached to a factory inside a wooded industrial park. The area is huge, and although we have night shift work, it gets creepy and quiet at night in certain areas. There have been a lot of anecdotes from lots of employees about paranormal sightings. These are a couple of my recent experiences.

My mom, aunt, and grandmother have been telling this story for as long as I can remember.

It was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving about 10 years ago. My spouse was still at work, and our two young daughters were off with my mom, who had picked them up after school. I walked into the kitchen after our dog greeted me at the door.

When I was in 3rd grade (about a billion years ago), I went to this little Catholic school in a very blue collar neighborhood. It wasn’t the best area, but it wasn’t the worst, either—narrow streets with dense rows of duplexes, tiny strips of lawn, and a bar on every corner (seriously). Our house was only five blocks

At the beginning of our relationship my fiancé bought a house. I didn’t get any bad vibes, even though it was built in the 50s. Except on the initial drive to the small, strip mall sized town. The kind that don’t like strangers. Mhmm.

For five or six years, I spent a few weeks every summer at a camp in New Hampshire. Looking back, some of the fondest, most formative experiences of my adolescence occurred there. Summer romances, capture the flag, Fourth of July celebrations. It was all very bucolic.

In March of 2021, I was returning home from an overnight camping trip. It was a Saturday afternoon, so still light outside. For context, I live in a two-bedroom apartment situated in the downtown area of a fairly small, rural Pennsylvania town. I live on the bottom level of the building that houses four other

Here’s what’s unintentionally scary about your story - a few years ago, someone wrote about an apartment they were living in New Orleans (also a hot spot for voodoo practices!!!) where the same kind of statically, slow, jerky entity would move slowly across the room toward their prone body until it was leaning over

Voodoo dreams