
Thank you, Regina. I’m glad that your ex-fiance is your ex.

Thank you for that. This was the early/mid 90s, so perhaps a different time. We had other kids my age in the neighborhood, but I don’t remember if I ever asked any of them about it—I was probably too embarrassed that I was “acting like a baby” for being scared, or whatever else a 12 year old would be self conscious

Halfway between starting in the midwest and NYC! We drove a longer route to stay with friends along the way.

When I had just turned 6 years old, my family moved from our home town to a larger suburb in a state several hours away. I was still 5 when my parents took me with them to look at the house they would end up buying, and while we were walking through, the little girl whose parents were selling the house invited me to

Not sure how scary this is, but here goes - a psychic cat lady story:

Its always the living that scare me more than the dead. You did the right thing following your instincts and staying in the gym.

I had an ill child, stressful job, and was in the midst of the worst time in my life at that point.

I was a new collage grad struggling to find meaningful work in 2006. I ended up moving back to my parents home and working swing shift at a therapeutic boarding school for girls (thanks psych degree). This meant i was in a small lame town with time to kill late night. I ended up getting a membership to a 24 hour gym

In early 2022, my father-in-law passed away. And although he was a 20-year stroke survivor, it cost us all off-guard.

I’m so sorry about your son. You sound like an incredible and protective parent <3

After University I hadn’t yet found a job and needed an apartment that wasn’t going to destroy my savings. I live in Toronto and ended up finding a basement apartment rental in a beautiful old Victorian home in the Parkdale neighbourhood, which has a lot of historic homes but is known for not being the nicest area.

My ex husband owned a house when I met him. It had been abandoned when he bought it, left unlocked even, although a squatter lived in a bungalow in the backyard not the main house.

My great aunt was the coolest, chicest and beautiful woman I knew. She loved the color hot pink. She wore hot pink lipstick and blush. The carpet of her cottage was even the color.

When I was about 12, my two cousins moved from Los Angeles to New York City. My aunt decided to make it a fun, family road trip, and she drove them to my house in the Midwest, and I got to join them for the rest of the journey. We were all pre-teens at the time (I was the middle in age between them), so the drive was

He refused to talk about it afterwards, he was too terrified!

I’ve been reading these for years and finally shared my favorite ghost story from my youth hours before posts closed last year, so I’m posting again ...

Right?? Best time of the year!!

Mom would go all out for Halloween when I was a kid. I’d find at least one of those cheap plastic skeletons in every room, the TV would be playing some schlocky horror movie every night, and the halls were filled with orange and black. But the front yard is where she shined. Her and dad would haul in these


I was maybe 10 or 11. My Dad was out of town at a conference and I was home with my Mom. She was preparing to go take a shower when suddenly we both heard this horrible hissing noise coming from the bathroom. To her credit, my Mom carefully went to investigate. When she came out, all the color had drained from her