
Thanks for sharing your story. Clots associated with high homocysteine levels are real, but the current medical understanding is that people who have your MTHFR variant still benefit from folic acid supplementation (and may arguably benefit more than people without those variants). ACMG, for example, recommends against

as a doctor: thank you.

Beyond the obvious nonsense of someone who is a ‘coach’ for a supposed gene mutation...

If you click through to her profile she sells the apex predator of wellness nonsense, colloidal silver. Its honestly stunning to me these people still exist and it is really a shame the FDA doesn’t have the capability to crack down

The video is a tad dramatic (it was designed for likes on social media, after all), but consider the profundity of her realization: If you work 8 hours/day, that means 50% of your waking hours are spent at work, 5 days per week. And that’s not counting commute and prep. And because most jobs are worked in concentrated

agree across the board.

It’s kind of the point of that character, although it wasn’t meant to be - he’s brought up by bad people, and he gets to a certain point and says “this stops with me”. I wouldn’t mind, I write military adventure (think Sharpe although I am not Bernard Cornwall aha) so it is literally back-story.

It’s the 2000’s and I had just moved into a rental with my then boyfriend. Cute house, 3 bedroom basic. Only a few years old. The house had changed hands twice. The last owner had his elderly mom living with him until she passed. He continued living there until he also passed away. This house was right next to my 9

You were right mom…1970’s, we are taking some friends from out of town for some sightseeing in Southern California. Of course everyone (except me) wanted to visit the Queen Mary, a retired British ocean liner now moored in Long Beach. It was converted into an interesting hotel/dining location. I was 5 and wasn’t too

Sounds like an economic variation of what they used to call Uncle Tom syndrome. A “strategy of coping with oppression from socially, culturally, or economically dominant groups involving suppression of aggressive feelings and even identification with the oppressor...”

A friend of mine was going through a messy divorce with an unstable ex and didn’t have a lockable garage door. He used that minimal access to play mind games with her and their kids. Sorry this happened to you, and so glad you’re out of that relationship.

My stomach dropped. You should re-post this next year! Glad to hear you’re safe now!

[TW: Domestic violence]

I feel bad I am submitting so late, but it is what it is.

Also likely to be hidden in the greys but here it is. (Content warning: harm to children.)

This. I don’t know anybody who works a 9-5 with a commute who isn’t burned out, whether they admit it or not. The average American’s commute is about 30 minutes, so there’s lots of people getting up at 7:30, leaving their house by 8:30, working 9-5:15 (let’s face it, nobody leaves right at 5:00), and getting home

“You know what I blame this on the downfall of? Society! Back in my day we worked 28 hours a day and said ‘thank you’ when the boss threw hot embers at us.”

I’ve been working the 9-5 grind for 40+ years, and that second take above is spot-on. Just because you’ve grown massive psychological callouses from being abused for decades doesn’t mean it’s OK to dump on young people who are discovering this for the first time.

This is gonna get buried in the greys since I’m submitting it at the end of the month but I’ve been reading and loving these collections each year for a while and am finally putting in my story because 20 years later I still don’t know what to make of it - but it’s the absolute truth.

Not sure if I’m submitting too late, but I just stumbled upon this contest, and I have a story to share that has stayed with me since childhood.

This is a story about a blanket. It’s not scary — or I, at least, wasn’t scared — but it sure was bewildering. So if someone has an explanation for me, I’d love to have one after all these years.

I live in a big open loft apartment. There’s nothing creepy about it or the building that houses it and 30 other identical