
Good ideas here, but once again I’m going to be that person who points out that the word “chemical” doesn’t mean “dangerous” or “harsh” or “artificial” or or even “commercially-produced”. The only way to cut out the use of chemicals when you clean is not to clean. All cleaning products and tools, like everything else

What about smoking in bed? Have all of the hardcore smokers already died?

If you want to check for bad wiring, press the palm of your hand to the wall plates.  If they or the surrounding wall is warm, that means you have a problem and should call an electrician.  DON’T stop if you find one...please check the rest of

Because encouraging people to use more of a single-use non-recyclable product is absolutely the way to go. Well done, Lifehacker, well done...

Cool cool, lets go ahead and burn through more trees in the midst of a climate crisis.

So, after OJ was acquitted, Nicole Brown’s father and Ron Goldman’s parents sued OJ for wrongful death. And they won. So, the same crime, but two different legal proceedings with two vastly different burdens of proof, and two totally different outcomes. In a criminal trial, the State must prove every element of the

True—and that's someone who was acquitted, but still lost the civil suit based on the same crime. That burden of proof really does matter.

There’s also the fact that MJ settled out of court for undisclosed amounts of money (rumored to be millions) for at least 1, if not more cases involving similar accusations. No one can say MJ was guilty of any of this, but he certainly never strictly proved innocence either.

What did MJ do to Chris Rock or better yet what did MJ do to you?”

I don’t know/care about Cole, but jfc, this is a utter trash piece.

In terms of being fair game for comedians, MJ has achieved Elvis status.

On this occasion, I’m on Chris Rock’s side. Michael Jackson definitely deserves to be compared to R Kelly.

The Sprouse twins seem to have turned out reasonable and polite enough, to me. Very well when you consider most Disney stars don’t seem okay. I would like to know how Kylie wanted them to turn out.

An acquittal is basically meaningless within the ambit of a discussion of whether someone actually committed a crime, because it only means that a jury wasn’t persuaded “beyond a reasonable doubt” of the defendant’s guilt. A jury could decide that it’s more likely than not that a criminal defendant committed the

So what if Jackson was acquited? Doesn’t mean he was innocent. Multiple accusations make it likely he wasn’t innocent. Sorry your hero was a pedophile.

Not that I’m really bothered about this either way, but Taj did say “his entire career”. I’m pretty sure Rock has made jokes about the more prominent Jackson family members outside of just Michael over the decades. Definitely recall him making jokes about Janet after the SB nipple-gate, but I think Tito’s name has

Is this Taj kid for real? He’s either joking or has had his head in the fucking sand for literally decades. Some therapy might help.  Hate to break it to you bro but, your uncle was a pedo and that’s the joke. R-Kelly is in prison for the EXACT same things your uncle did, he just never got convicted.

Holy shit, am I reading this correctly, that MJs diddling isn’t really important and that people should ignore it? I mean I get it, y’all hate Rock, but fuck me, does that mean you have to go to bat for a serial child abuser? And fuck this abusers family for trying to sweep these crimes under the rug.

It’s amazing how you could simply be “team no one” considering all the parties involved are rich idiots with bruised egos fighting like teenagers, but instead you chose to be on the child molester.

1. What did my family ever do to you to warrant these decades of harassment and your constant bullying disguise as jokes?

What did my family ever do to you to warrant these decades of harassment and your constant bullying disguise as jokes?ʼ”