
Right, and not everybody is knowledgeable about basic Star Wars mythology or timelines, so there are no doubt people who still think that “Baby Yoda” is in fact Baby Yoda and will grow up to be Yoda, because they haven’t seen the episodes where he meets Luke. So everyone keeps repeating “Grogu” so it’ll sink in with

The dialogue is an artistic choice; it is formalized and stylized because it is in the mode of Japanese Samurai dramas and their Western counterparts. Mando himself comes from a highly-structured and formalized culture, so it makes sense he talks that way. 

Mine are out of the box and decorating the tops of the whiteboards in my classroom. The Balrog, Cabbage Man, Minsc & Boo, Eilonwy, a couple Overwatch and Marvel figs; and a paired Grogu with soup and Iroh with tea over my desk.

I think it’s fair to say that 99.99% of publicly traded companies do not care about the environment outside of “does it effect the stock price?”

FYI, this happens ALL the time with many different products, particularly with clothing. Sure, a lot of the extra stuff ends up at Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, etc., and some of it gets donated (like all of those unsold “Superbowl Champions!” t-shirts), but a lot also finds it’s way into landfills.

*looks at the 400 surrounding me* my depraved joy...

I’ve been collecting Funko Pops for 5-6 years. It did reduce my collection by about 50% last year. I still like them, but Funko hasn’t really released any new lines recently - it’s just the same Pops with rainbow colors this time! or Glitter! it’s such a mess.

Most plastic isn’t recyclable anyway. Even the stuff you dutifully clean and put in the proper bin just gets dumped in a landfill, or shipped off to some other country that will just dump it a landfill over there. At least fabric and paper will degrade. I mean, unless it’s a synthetic fabric that is made out some sort


Over the long run, 99 percent of Funkos are worthless outside of whatever depraved joy fans get from occasionally making eye contact with the ones lining their shelves.

Did you just have a stroke?

#7, screams in Jalopnik... just a terrible idea.

we got one of these for xmas, and i couldn’t remember what it’s called, so until this article i have resorted to calling it “the Groot scrubby.” i don’t think i’ll change it.

Kinda sounds like it’d just be easier to list what you CAN use it on...

Yes, stupidity will cause the next pandemic.  It actually is a pandemic.

I like to think viral infections will be less of a problem in 100 years—if we get there.”

Fun fact: never polish your wooden stairs. I did this once not really thinking it through, and those stairs ended up being a nightmare for about a week. I could’ve used something to get the polish off, I suppose, but the stairs looked so shiny and nice that I didn’t wanna do that. Besides, I saved a great deal of time