
No apologies necessary! It was mostly a bit of a joke - that small part of the apparatus admitted does look t like the innards of a business-level laser printer - but I appreciate your confirmation nonetheless. Now, off to buy a new printer, for, um, totally a different reason... ;)

Ah, branded water: The greatest scam ever perpetrated on mankind.

Also, after a load in a front loader, leaving the door opened a crack so it can dry.  You won’t get mildew that way.

No they actually steam in their own moisture. It’s a really common way to make mashed potatoes. David Chang does it too if that makes you feel better.

Now playing

Dishwasher detergent is also designed not to produce suds, similar to HE detergents. You’re probably thinking of detergents for hand washing dishes which create lots of suds as a desirable trait.

Cheaper to buy a box of dishwasher powder and use that

Tablets have bleach and enzymes in addition to the surfactants of dish soap.

What’s the difference between dissolving this pods in warm water and use that to clean instead of... you know, soapy water?

I need a way to remove hard grease from grill grates. Will this work?

The best way to win a fight is to not get into one to begin with and while I am in no way justifing Smith’s actions in regards to Rock, when it comes to the advice above if you are generally respectful to people you can usually avoid physicall conflicts...regardless as to whether that phyisical action is justified or

The best way to win a fight is to not get into the one in the first place. There was a self-defense instructor at my gym who once told that most fights are avoidable and you should always try to get out of one. You could get hurt. Or killed. The other guy could get hurt. Or killed. You could end up in jail. Or the

He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.

Man, being efficient with the things we use is just libtard cuck logic /s

I keep a few on our back porch where they come in very handy when one of or Chihuahuas finds a Garter snake. Catch it by the tail, pop it in a mesh bag and take it down the street to the big vacant lot. I could just carry it down there in my hand, as they are harmless. But then it will poop all over my hand. That

lol you read it. And commented

You know how I got Paris Hilton out of headlines? I stopped clicking on any article that mentioned her. You’re welcome

The finer-meshed produce bags are good for drying herbs.

This is Lifehacker, Jim. This one of those ‘Life hacks’ they tout.

Seems a little harsh

What does race have to do with anything? Also, do conservatives not reuse? 🙄