
Don’t call your dog a “rescue dog” unless someone asks where it came from.”


Absolutely call your adopted pets of any kind “rescues” if that’s where they came from. Hashtag it every time you post a cute pic. Hashtag the #adoptdontshop tag for good measure. This isn’t about ego stroking, it’s about encouraging

So what you’re saying is that people hate do-gooders because we teach people early that do-gooders have ulterior sketchy motives and there are no good people.

Very poor “nasty potential health effects” reference choice. A) it is an outdated, amateur paper from India from 2011, B) It lists “Nil” under sources (!) , and C) it is clear you did not read it, as it actually argues against your point. Although the wording consistently implies a bias that sweeteners are bad, and

Salt—even at levels low enough you can’t taste it—will interfere with your body’s ability to taste sourness, so you can use this trick on under-ripe fruit too.

I subscribe to adding salt to bitter coffee. Not much, less than a pinch to a standard sized coffee cup but it works.
Think of it like adding salt to pasta or potatoes when you’re cooking. It’s the same for coffee.

I told a Spanish lady I knew about this trick when she called the cup she was drinking as too bitter. She

To be fair, young kids get the idea that getting ANY degree is vital rammed down their throats, they’ll end up homeless or flipping burgers if they don’t get $100k in debt!

This here is some next level philosophy. Brilliant!

I prefer to think that everyone is smart (and I am too). It is actually not so different from thinking that everyone is dumb, it is just a matter of perspective.

I would probably remove “your destiny” which can absolutely be controlled by the actions of some idiot.

The way I look at it is more like, don’t expect anyone else to pay as much attention to you or care about what you want from them as much as you do. Sure, everyone seems stupid or lazy about things they don’t give a shit about. When it comes to their own interests, though, they can be very smart indeed.

I am NOT stupid.”

I spent my entire career as a civilian for the Department of Defense. When I was young and naïve and listening to a colonel or general I thought they were at a level of intelligence I couldn’t comprehend.

But the people that had careful exit strategies and knew where the tigers liked to hang out generally lived even longer. 

If you’re worried about your place in the world, if you think you’re screwing everything up, if you think everyone’s life seems just so great, THEY THINK THE EXACT SAME THING, and we’re all blindly trying to navigate life the same way. All you can do is push through and do what you can for yourself and try not to

OMG make sure you resubmit this next year!!!

This happened to me when I was about seven years old.

So. My late husband and I, our first flat together, above a tattoo studio. You came off the street and down a tiny dark alleyway to our front door. You went up a flight of steep narrow stairs from the street, up to the kitchen and the bedroom, and then a second flight of stairs (imagine a kind of Z shape) to the

So I realize I’m late to the party, but I thought I’d share this anyways.

I’ll try to be brief with my Italian Castle ghost story: