
This is beautiful, and totally believable to me. I’ve always been extremely close with my mom as well (my dad and I are also close, but it’s just different with my mom) and for the last few years I’ve been thinking my mom and I are not on our first lifetime together. We’re so close, so much alike, we say and think the

This is the story of the second reason I no longer enjoy being in the woods.

I couldn’t find where the cut off date was so fingers crossed I’m not too late! CW for suicide, harm to animals, and mention of CSA.

Well, we most definitely need to hear more about your story!  Come on, it's the most wonderful time of year! Tell is your tale.

omg, love this one! 

I’ve got a weird name coincidence as well. When I was in college my dad couldn’t live alone due to his age and worsening health, so my sister got an apartment for the both of them so she could take care of him. The apartment was on a street called Mercy St. and was situated so the back yards of all of the apartments

No, she ended up staying somewhere else. I do often wonder if the ghost stayed with the house where she died, or if she moved with the man who accidentally killed her, though.

there’s always someone reading...

Nobody will read this because I’m way past the deadline and probably on the greys, but whatevs.

I mean, close enough...

Hi fellow Jezebel lovers! These stories are something that I look forward to every year, I even used to use my breaks just to devour these stories throughout the years. However, to express gratitude for this space, I also wanted to share what it’s meant to me especially in the last year, because it went beyond just


Another one that proves truth is scarier than fiction...

This happened a couple of years ago in North Carolina. I was living alone in an apartment complex by a park with a lake. It was several different two story buildings, divided into sections. The outside door to my part was to four apartments: it opened to two apartments at the bottom, and then stairs right by the door

In my Sophomore year of high school, my family moved into a house we would later learn was known as “The Mafia House” due to a former owner who boasted about having worked for the mob. It was a small town where people left their keys in their car at night, so the FOUR alarm systems might have proved he was hiding out

More mischief than scary. A decade ago or so, I was in a summer exchange program in Central Europe. The course I took culminated in one vicious exam, and leaving early post-exam since I completed it fast. (I actually studied, whereas half the class was hungover from the wine tour the night before). Needless to say, I w

One of my best friends growing up lived in a house that was deeply haunted. When I would stay over, sometimes we would sleep in her bedroom, and sometimes, we would sleep in the living room. I always preferred sleeping in her bedroom, because when sleeping in the living room, there would always be something that

Ooh yay. So not a funny thing that happened with this last year. Last October I was working from home due to pandemic. I live in California so its still not cold, not really fall. Well a week or so after this post came out, I decided to read a bunch of stories. This particular day was windy and the leaves were

I’ve experienced many a spooky thing in my life but this one hands down is my favorite. I used to live in an apartment building that was originally a doctors house from about 1900. My sensitive friends and I took the time to identify the different ghosts we felt around the house there was a little girl and everyone

I have this story because I like true crime podcasts.