
That’s just called being a person.

Found the "sigma!"

If it shuts up the incels, sure. But I am not sure anything will shut them up.


I dunno, probably similar to the word you’d use to describe someone who volunteers as a hall monitor for blog posts that absolutely nobody forced them to read.

Wowe, someone took the article personally

Great tips! Agree with all, especially the burr grinder, except the part about pre-heating water that’s going into a drip machine. I read that this can cause the thing to burn out, since it won’t sense that the water is already at temp and will try to heat it up more, but the heating element is calibrated to expect

This will likely horrify a good many of you here, but we bought a Nespresso last year and we’ve never looked back. I have used pour-over, French press, and an Aeroperess, and we just prefer the Nespresso. It makes a great cup of coffee, crema included. We buy foil lids so that we can re-use the cups using our own

Yes to all of this! The coffee. Haha. By my last pregnancy I was scarfing mall hotdogs and lattes. Everybody’s fine. 

Yeah, cuz pregnant people are just like 80-year-olds swapping Bingo stories at the rec center...

OH! One more... Our kids where in the NICU for close to 3 months (thankfully they are perfectly healthy 6 year old’s). When we tell people about this we get:

Say things like:

Soil has a tendency to get compacted, its particles fitting tighter together and air pockets between getting smaller and smaller. A sponge has more structure, and dirt can’t easily get into the air pockets inside. Plant roots need water, but they also need to breathe. And since a sponge is more absorbent, it can suck

I think this is a good example of how childcare practitioners generally lag decades behind the science, if their perceived wisdom is based on science at all rather than folklore.

My wife teaches preschool (first pre-k, now twos) and we got a bunch of books to help with curriculum development, and the recommendation to bring in weights (especially the smaller standard-set sizes of fixed dumbbells) shows up fairly often, sometimes in physical education texts but mostly numeracy. Familiarity with

Several carpet and furniture stains later, we have a VERY strict “no slime in the house” rule. 


The "who knew" is meant to implie sarcasm, I believe. TLDR of it is if you say dumb stuff you're rightly going to be cancelled. 

And here I thought people said “hold your horses” as a weird way of telling you to “be stable” since if you were (a) stable, you’d hold horses.

Fellow runners unite!