
This happened to me too. It doesn't ever work with voice now. I'm going to try to retrain it and see if that works.

That happened to me when I got a Wear OS watch. Any time it was connected, it would try and immediately fail as though it was trying to get audio from the watch. I never did see a fix, and I recently switched to a Samsung that doesn't have that problem. 

Mine was going off every 30 seconds. Hope this fixes it. Had to turn it off.

Tey’re washable. Toss it in the machine with an old towel and it comes out nice and clean.  They’re 2 for a dollar at Family Dollar, so it’s a tool, not an heirloom.

Isn’t that true of any drop cloth?

I will say, trying to bathe a child in a bathtub that has doors is a pain in the butt. So keep that in mind if it might be pertinent to you.

I've honestly never had to pitch one. Toss it in a gentle cycle with some oxyclean and warm water

I hate to be at risk of the guy going “herp derp John Connor” but Dark Fate... only felt ok. Like I hated the movies post-T3, and T2 is literally one of my favorite sci-fi movies of all time (and possibly one of the best “buddy cop” movies of all time). I also really like Arnie as an actor.

Old shower curtain liners have served me faithfully for many years as painting and DIY-project drop cloths.

She has a small but vital role in Resident Alien.

I really appreciated the concept that, in order to keep from truly screwing up the future, its best to send people/things back in time that truly know very little about the future, and are incapable of deciding to act upon any foreknowledge except their extremely limited purpose - that they must trust the people they

I feel like Dark Fate is definitely under-rated and helps to forget all about Genisys. The BIG problem I had with Dark Fate was that the movie starts with a total gut punch that almost took me out of it completely. That scene would have worked so much better after Sarah Conner rescued the protagonists.

I’ve been campaigning against core aeration for at least 10 years. I agree that the soil needs to be open for air and penetration, but I disagree that punching a few hundred, or thousand, holes into the soil is the best way to accomplish the goal. On the opposite side of my argument are thousands of landscape

Yeah, I’d watch absolutely anything with Linda Hamilton. BUT! I also really like the movie. It’s the only one after T2 that feels like it has anything to say.

As far as swimming......Aftershokz makes a pair for swimming. The biggest problem you’re going to have is that Bluetooth doesn’t work through water. So the swimming version has built in memory and you have to sync content over to them via files (think old school MP3 players). The Aeropex that I have are “splashproof”,

My question for trail runners is always, how many times have you had a poop emergency on a run? But what I really want to know is what do other people do? I have never pooped my pants on a run (so far), but I have had two very close calls.

I find it hard to get as much exercise on a bike as on a run. The biking leg of a triathlon is considered the “recovery” leg for a reason. Its not as taxing as swimming or running. 

Hahahahahahaahhaha. I had work bullies and I did all the things, talk to boss, talk to HR, etc. Nothing happened until I recorded them and then I got in trouble for recording them without their consent. On the bright side I was already in negotiations at my new job at that point and was able to quit shortly thereafter.

The ‘Now What?’ is: ‘Let’s never speak about this incident again,’ followed by ‘let’s prevent it from happening again.’

Counterpoint: Drink a ton of caffeine to ensure you take care of business before you head out the door!