
The article’s take away point is wait until they are legally allowed too. Am age that has zero to do with when someone is capable of drinking responsibly and more in line with when someone is legally responsible for their actions.

But it is an important adjustment to the data. As a similar example, if people who consumed high fat diets were more likely to have a heart attack, but the study didn’t separate people who exercise regularly from those who don’t, you might find that the smaller group of those who exercise regularly and ate a low fat

Personal experience is always biased and unreliable. The sample size is just too small. However, I generally don’t take the world of a “research paper” without doing some further research. Was it peer reviewed? Did they factor in various variables and context? Also, who was paying for this research? Do they have a

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Your questions led me to the greatest translation video I’ve ever seen.

This. I think this is a good attitude. Just like teaching your kids to have safe sex doesn’t mean helping them get a hook up.

Thanks for your personal anecdote, but I’m gonna take the word of the people who are using actual science, thanks.

Not judging, but if you have a friend who has gotten out of dozens of tickets for speeding and running red lights, then that friend is a menace on the road who should probably have his license suspended for a little while for the general overall safety of the community.

You do realize this is a writup on scientific research assessing that very claim, right?

My parents never just gave me alcohol underage but my dad talked to me constantly about HOW to drink when I got older.

... the research does not indicate the amount of alcohol supplied by parents, or the context in which it is given. (Was it a flute of champagne to celebrate Mom’s promotion or was it five Jägerbombs?...)

You may have heard of moms and dads giving their teenagers alcohol as a parenting tactic—rationales include 1) it’s

what a bad law.

I see lots of cars every day with (presumably) illegal license plate covers (mostly the really darkly-tinted ones, but a few domes), enough that I don’t think police actively stop them for it. It’s like the illegal plate covers are more the added-on ticket when the driver gets pulled over for something else rather

I see people around with the plastic dome covers over their license plates. I really wish the cops would pull these people over, fine them, and take the cover away.

Sell your car, put your kid up for adoption and move into a hostel. Easy peasy!

These articles don’t serve much purpose to actually helping people with financial stability.

It’s not even that it’s “not fun”, it’s that it’s not possible when you have one income, a student loan, a kid, a car payment, rent that is NOT shared with three other people, and other responsibilities.