
Not pressure. Greed. A key component of this scenario is the opportunity to sell the car for a lot more than asking price. Consider these two scenarios:

It’s more common sense than it is common knowledge. Unfortunately, common sense is something that most people have to learn, and many of them learn by making regrettable mistakes.

Even if you had a written contract, it’s a civil matter. It’s (generally) not a crime to default on a debt. That goes back to the Constitutional protection against debtors’ prisons.

Also call the cops and report the car stolen.

I wouldn’t put all the blame on myself. I’ve had friends who work in payday loan places and they are heavily pressed to talk people into partial payment or new loans. They are salesman not people just clerk’s taking payments. Nobody I respected lasted in that job long.

Oh I like good coffee too, but I’m making it more of a vacation beverage than an everyday thing for practical reasons—weekday mornings are chaos and we gotta run run run.

I think we just buy the cheap stuff. Gloria Jean and Donut and Green Mountain :(

the office Keurig to brew a horrid coffee. (Is there a lifehack to make that machine make better coffee? Not being snarky—sometimes I run out of my own and would love to use the office machine.

Beer snobs are worse than both IMHO.

I have a four month old. Last week I was at a coffee met up for young moms with science degrees. One of the other moms asked which books I had read. They were shocked when I said none. The only advice I listen to is his doctors and what I know from being a biologist. Kid’s clothed, fed, is gaining weight, and giggles

Exactly! As soon as you get used to “bad” coffee, the good coffee can make you happier. Because now it’s not a dependency, it’s a choice.

Always love to hear from a fan!

My kids are now 19 and 17, both amazing. I went through this years ago and came to the same conclusion.

I have a joke that coffee snobs are the only people worse than wine snobs. I have over the past couple years upgraded my coffee experience by buying a grinder and then getting a better Bonavita brewer. I use it to brew Dunkin Donuts whole bean coffee. The two coffee flavors I try to avoid are burnt (think Starbucks)

Parents: in your quest to protect your child from every possible source of harm on the planet, you have, and are continuing to raise generations of delicate flowers with no idea of how to operate in the real world, where other people and diversity are a thing.

I think the point is not to be a snob about it and let you enjoy things, i can appreciate a really good cup of coffee but i would also enjoy a hot coffee form the McDonalds with my friends on a cold day. And i apply this to almost everything, and mostly about food... oh! also movies are a good example, not because you

Hmmm... Some serious dissent from a few comfortably decided commenters. I also disagree, but not entirely. The most important takeaway for me is... stop running on default. Whatever direction you are going, question it. Make decisions for yourself, based on comfort, convenience, cost—whatever. Just think it through.

For a while this last year I was again drinking good coffee for a while (I know, I’m stupid).

My favorite part from that chapter