
An Alaskan Malamute pulling a loaded sled in anything over 20F is going to overheat relatively quickly, and they perform best down around -10-5F. They easily tolerate down to -30F for hours without noticing.

This chart is woefully incomplete, to the point that I would not give that advice to anyone. I get that people want everything dumbed down and simple but cutting the fat that much makes it at the very least unhelpful if not reckless.

I feel like this chart is skipping the critical element of breed. I have a newfoundland who regularly looks at me like I’m a jerk and refuses to come in when it’s well below freezing. I’ve had to literally bring him in by his collar when it was below zero and I was ready for bed. The gigantic coat is for more than

My boyfriend insists I’m a morning person because on days off and when we are on vacation, I always wake up hours and hours before him... I keep insisting that my body betrays me and, after years of waking up at 7am for work, I can’t not wake up early... That being said, if I have a week or more off I start to get

I wish my job would let me quit pretending to be a morning person, but no I still have to wake up at 6:45 to start work at 8:30 (queue laughter from everyone who has to start hours before me). I’d like to at least try starting work at 11, but alas.

I use the powder. It’s cheaper to buy the big box of it and I always throw some in with my regular laundry.

Deanna, thanks to your instructions I actually got booties on Hazel for the first time. Our lives will never be the same. And look how thrilled she is!

Toothpaste. In my carpet. Everywhere. Also, unrelatedly, how can I get my three year old son to not just throw everything everywhere all the time?

I have my own parents, why would I ask a clean person for some?

Yeah I don’t think I’m going to be able to open up my Surface Pro either. But it’s only got to survive another couple of years and I’ll replace it I think.

I’ve been a dog groomer in Texas for years, and seeing peeling, blistered pads 3/5 of the year, only to inform owners who were completely unaware of this risk is always disheartening.

Ducks (and geese and chickens) may also need boots too. If you walk them on concrete or other hard surface a lot, they can get foot issues, plus ducks loose a lot of body heat from their feet. Oddly, the duck shoes are easier to get on and off and provide some padding.

You’re no more “stuck” there because your passport expired than you are if it gets lost/stolen and you have to go to the consulate or embassy and get a new one. So, really not stuck at all. And anywhere from 3-6 months is excessive. Like, I could reasonably see two weeks, maybe a month. But you’re telling me that

I really enjoy the Starbucks Roastery when I’m there. People get all pretentious about coffee in Seattle, but the Roastery is a really cool spot to check out. I loved going there every night to read and watch people.

Define “common knowledge”...I’ve traveled quite a bit between the US and Europe since i was a kid and didn’t even know this rule existed until recently, and only because of stories like this.

Great idea!!

Love. The towel is love.