Isn't that just every episode of Saved by the Bell...?
Isn't that just every episode of Saved by the Bell...?
Wow. That is a pretty awful costume.
But do you come equipped with sword AND lasso...?
Its the "less boobs..." that I actually appreciate. She's not all cleavage & hot pants, but a true badass ready for combat. I see what you're saying, but I'm just happy to see a WW young girls can look at, not see bOObs/hot pants & be proud of.
Agreed & total badass.
Here's the full pic.
No prob. They have a full pic on that link. Total badass & it makes her look like a heroine girls/women can support.
It was from a post at io9.
That's pretty cool, but I like this WW better.
+1 ol chap
Never understood this one...
Nailed it.
+1 clever
That had Jimmy Fallon & Queen Latifah, right?
Please stop.
I bet you do great with the ladies...
In the first pic, I was REALLY afraid, at first glance, she was pulling up/down her underwear...way too young for that...
Is she supposed to be wearing a ball-gown & tiara? She's at a park...?
Agreed. It seems like some of these posts only lean that way when its convenient.
I have seen these reprimands first-hand. Look at a woman too long & you got rolled(out of general population) & (depending on severity) added time to sentencing. This went for looking at female inmates, as well. Texas doesn't mess around about its prisons.