
Yes, agreed! Pan's Labyrinth is probably the best fairytale movie of the past decade, liveaction or otherwise.

The number 1 reason to not see it in 3D is that the studios need to learn that 99% of the movies they're releasing in 3D DO NOT NEED IT.

Warehouse 13? I seem to remember a show by that name.

Has Lost Girl titled an episode "Absolutely Fae-bulous" yet?

I entirely agree about the "taking light-hearted characters and making them dark and miserable." It happens all the time in comic-to-movie translations, and it's BORING AS HELL. I like witty, clever, sophisticated characters, not just Hunks Of Flesh who mope from one scene to the next.

I can't get over this movie existing... I'm so stoked about it!

You are way off on your vampire physiology.

Nooooo I love Truman Capote the Hutt!

You know, they could write a story where Batroc actually gets a dose of the French, or perhaps Quebecois, super-serum, which looks and tastes just like red wine, and then starts savate'ing his ass across every terrorist event in Europe in a superhuman way. Then maybe we'd all take him seriously.

There's no need to the "if/then" statement at the end of this article. The whole volcano thing should happen regardless.

I'm so disappointed that Viper (AKA Madame Hydra) is going to be in this non canon Wolverine movie instead of Captain America 2... what a waste...

whatever the fuck you want. don't let the folks who give you shit about being a black dude cosplaying as a non-black character make you change your mind.

With no one left to stand next to me, you can't tell how tiny I am! WIN!!!

Hey man, those are DESIGNER sweatpants made in a Scientology-approved Chinese sweatshop and cost Tom $47,000.


Sure. It's very easy to forget that the success of the LoTR trilogy was very far from a no-brainer. In the end, Jackson convinced more than a few pretty sharp Hollywood types to put their careers on the line by handing an insanely ambitious project to someone whose last Hollywood flick hardly set the box office

[gets to the line]

Since he's already tying up Cumberbatch and Freeman with reshoots, perhaps he could film an episode of Moffat's other show while he's at it.

One episode... spread over three series!

There is only one way to fix every bad movie.