
1. Lance Armstrong

So they will get rid of EVERYONE else before Andy?! Gotta be fucking kidding me.

Same here. I mean me in mine, not you're a porn star in my fantasies. Not that you're...oh you know what I mean.

So the top photo is NOT from a porn...? Seriously?!

A flying rhino that breathes fire, born of two mythical creatures, you say? I think you just found SyFy's next Saturday night movie abomination.

"We don't look at the quality of the curriculum...We don't look at what they teach," he said. "We look at the system. We look at policies and procedures, not what they teach. It's how they teach and not what they teach." - HUH?!?!

I've reset my broken toes(well enough) & broken arm(not well; had to be re-broken), but my shit pales in comparison to these badasses. Every impulse is to NOT stick knife in own body. Wow.

Well played, my friend.

+1 but jeez...

"...this is a cyborg dinosaur that has been sent to the present to wipe out humanity."

I thought that too...its almost an exact replica. But then again, we know Cameron "borrowed" at least half of that movie from outside inspiration.

or E.T. ?

Anyone else find it peculiar the IMMS executive director's name is Moby, and his job is protecting marine mammals? Hmm...

Surprised by the lack of female representation. BUT I will take Oppenheimer, Tesla & Hawking in his sweet ride FTW.

I will definitely be checking this out. Thanks.

Could someone clarify what other cities(in my case Dallas) they are doing this in? This sounds like a blast and would love to get in on it.

"The Jays are credible ball-club. They're way above paying a cheater."


Fair enough, I'll give you pitiable.

How is Gollum a hero? He's arguably the most evil character in the story. He's selfish & filled with hatred. His only thoughts are for himself, ignoring the impending doom of the world if the Ring isn't destroyed. No hero in my book...