
Some of these deaths are depressing(Bambi's mom, Carter in The Bucket List, Maximus in Gladiator, etc) but a lot of them aren't. Bill "The Butcher" was an evil man who deserved to die. Many on this list are the same way. Seriously, how is Gollum's or Doc Ock's death depressing? I don't get it.


That's great, but none of the pics had an Ewok...?

so disappointing...

Right?! I got thru one episode & was dumb-founded. I will not watch that kinda garbage. But the saddest thing(other than the blatant racism) is the fact that it gets great reviews & solid viewership. I don't get it...

Looks great now, but wait until the descending centipede appears...

Worsen B.O. : Ronny Turiaf or Eddie Curry?

She was embarrassed and inconvenienced for 2 hours total? That's it? No, fuck that. A hefty fine(the kind SO hefty that it requires a payment schedule) & defensive driving are impactful punishments. Kids(please, think of the children!) could have gotten hurt or worse. There has to be more threatening punishments for

I think this can easily be summed up with Open-Mindedness. Our interests thrive in imagination. Green skinned alien pirate princess? Cool, I can see it & its hot. Muscular, sword master clad in loin cloth and headband standing atop a pile of fallen enemies? Not my cup of tea, but I get it for those who are. The fact

I'd put up a fight to, if you asked me to move to Florida...

Well said.

Before reading the article, I thought for sure we had a bonafide El Chupacabra.

I'm with you on the original movie, instead of this new crap. I came across The Host on accident one day. Saw it for like a buck or two in the bargain bin, took a chance & loved it. Great flick. Too bad you & I might be the only ones who know.

Not following ANY correlation...Please explain.

Sounds great. Sign me up!

I truly detest all the "reality programming" SyFy vomits out each week.

Wow, this is shitty. Completely unacceptable behavior from another self-entitlled rich prick. I hope this takes him down & serves as a warning for other executives(you know this isn't a solitary case) who treat their employees as "playthings" instead of people.

I completely concur. I like that they are more streamlined & look like they could actually run, as opposed to their predecessors who could only slowly box you in with numbers.

I will say this: I grew up a Star Wars kid(still am). I loved everything about the original. George Lucas could done no wrong. THEN the prequels came and everything is shit & tainted. The world hates Lucas for what he did, and they were HIS movies. Imagine the cloud that would loom over ANYONE who makes a bad SWs this

I like how they slimmed them down. Less bulk & a bit more streamlined. Actually look like they can run for once.