
Clearly a career in Science can help you achieve your pink katana dreams, and from the looks of it, a pink corvette, and a pink dream house, and a pink sailboat...

Nope, sorry, you get a pink power drill that only curls/uncurls your doll's hair. I don't make the rules, science does.

O crap, that's a Covergirl commercial. Male here. Ladies, does this bother you as much as it does me? It seems kinda insulting...

These are pretty great, but then I saw the Western SW collection & about lost my sh!t. Bob A. Ford looks like one sic killer...

Pretty sure what you're describing here is getting dumped...open relations are agreed upon by two people, not one...if one party member is not on board, its a break up, or just leads to straight cheating...

The look in his eyes says to me he knows his future cellmate might have a "reaction" to his meds as well...going to pound town...where all crooked cops should be sent.

This is truly disturbing. Well, not gonna sleep tonight...

Set phasers to stunning...Amirite? No..? O well...

This just seems to scream guilt. How off the mark are these people to think attacking laws to protect victims of abuse is better than actually stopping said abuse...? Just sick...

Question: How the hell did they have fully operational assault rifles and not know it? Where did these guns come from if they are supposed to be inoperable? And finally, was it just cheaper to buy working weapons as opposed to the alternative?

I think we've just found our new director and it is you sir! Now go and bring us entertainment!

Totally agree. The writers taking away the "magic" bullets feels like they got ahead of themselves, thought "o crap, now the humans can really win a fight...we can't have that or season 3 would never be feasible.."

This is disturbing and sociopathic. The fact that 12 Mag defends it so indignantly confuses me greatly. WTF...

Eh, this is no big deal. We Americans saw that same rubber head attached to a dummy's body for eight years.

Awesome. That is all.

Pretty much everything following the Lion King

"...pelvises, elephant guns, and magnums."

Love the show! You gals are a big bag of crazy, but I can't get enough of it. I wish I could see a new webisode daily. Keep up the great work.

They could never get it right. I prefer the Mid-World I have in my mind to some Hollywood exec's crapshoot. And there is no one able to write/play Roland the way he should be. Don't touch those!

Awesome pics! Keep sending them our way.