
I'd prefer it to be a UFO than an ICBM any day of the week.

These aren't creepy at all...theyre just kidnapping/ransom demands...

Its this exact shit that keeps me from enjoying public pools and water parks. I know kids do it regularly(and thats bad enough), but to think this a**hole(who I know isn't alone with this train of thought) adds to it...screws up the system for everyone one else.

Excellent! Cool little article too. Thanks.

What about beards? As a bearded fellow, I must know. Are we roped into this category as well, or do we just come across as "the weird uncle? " Answers please...

I just, flat-out don't get it...where the hell does his information come from?!?! That's like if I said, "Joining the Senate sterilizes 20% of Virginian delegates..."Complete horseshit.

"... wondering what could have been had it not been for Joe Dirt."

+1 Direct Hit!

Good insight on the review. The trailers told me most of this, but thanks, CJA, for confirming it.

So cool of Marvel. We need more of this worldwide. I have something in my eye...

Its situations like these that send SkyNet over the edge...


Seeing pics like this from a different planet, kinda boggles the mind(mine at least & that can be easy to do), but HS that rover is just putting along , doing his thing. On Mars! Wild.

They should have made Hayden Christensen give back that costume. We all know he's hurting for work these days...

These are truly unnerving. Seriously, one of the dummies has a criminal record?! No, no thank you. This makes "Chucky" look like he belongs on Sesame Street....

"Hey boys. ever been elbow-f$*&ed?"

I'm a man in my early thirties and I just don't care about these crappy shows. I hate that inane BS like this gets to represent the American male. Please don't judge us all by these fools.

This was a great(and awful) flash back. Hadn't seen some of these in years! Bravo!

I was with you til you got to " PotC trilogy is what Star Wars tried to be and missed, by adding teddy bears and excess plot roundabouts just to show off stuff that could be made into toys." RotJ was a great film and you can't tell me the "fish men" of PotC weren't partially toy-driven?!

No Mad Max on this list? Two men enter, one man leaves!