
I keep looking at this photos expecting to see Serenity moving some cargo...sigh.

I'd rather watch his rotting corpse tap dance on Dancing with the Stars than pay $1o at the theater to watch Will Smith die...

The Fury dress with the eye-patch is hilarious!

Hey I loved him in Bad Boys, but thats different. I like my SF just a bit more on the serious side with comedy sprinkled in. These movies just seem too wacky. I half-expect Leslie Neilson to star in this.

+1 & another +1 for finding the missing "F"

If these movies are for you, great. I just don't have any desire to see this. Not a fan of Will Smith's "one look" acting. Its a shame cuz I like TLJ and even Brolin, but I just can't get into this franchise.

They don't call her the White Queen for nothin...

I have know idea what direction they are going to take it, but I love seeing Felicia Day "back." Could totally see Fargo trying to create a better Eureka matrix, in which he uploads himself in permanently. Can't say I'd blame him, she's the cutest & coolest woman on the show.

You understand he has two braided Wookie pelts on his armor. Think about it...

Its not like the Imperial fleet could get dismantled by a group of teddy bears...oh, wait...

With the exception of their weekend sports coverage(MLB & NFL), I don't bother with their network. You're right that all they seem to broadcast is "reality tv" which always comes across as fake and scripted. Give me writing with substance, believable acting and decent backdrops.

Agreed. And I, for one, am bored to death with their "recipe" for quality TV.

I gotta say, I want to see more of this. That's pretty damn cool.

I'm guessing FOX still reeling from the flop that was Terra Nova & wants nothing to do with SF on their main network for awhile...

Right-O, people just have dysfunctional nostrils...

I agree. I've gotten to the point where I can't stand him anymore. Same gags every time & honestly, they weren't that great to begin with.

In his defense, he was just looking for a place to put his career.

These pics take me right back to Farscape. Love the colors and detail. Great work.

Its true. My wife's family from Monterrey can't get any where near the borders without being robbed or shot at(fortunately no decapitations). For my wife's 88 year old grandma, whose poor already, to have her few possessions stripped away, with the Mexican govt seemingly powerless to stop it, thats gotta be a level of

+1 indeed