Jarrett - [BRZ Boi]

Who wouldn't have a bucket list of things to see in New Zealand?

Wait, so those glowing caves in Skyrim are REAL?

Gotta be honest - I totally agree with you. My rose-tinted glasses aren't strong enough to enjoy FO1/2. That said, 3/NV are 2 of my most favourite games of all time.

Great article! I'm very much a min-maxer when I play RPGs (usually a glass cannon of sorts), and I'm guilty of making the odd spreadsheet for how mitigation would affect my weapons, and so on.

Mercedes has to make sure that the drivers/chauffeurs can outrun the baddies (possibly in Corvettes!). This one may even secretly be bulletproof *squinty eyes*

My machine is also below minimum, but I can eek out a respectable (30-40) frame rate on low. If you have the game already, its certainly worth giving it a shot.

This NPCP candidate! (Wink wink garverobber!)

I should have pinch zoomed! Its still nice to see the new 3 sedan get some love though.

Are you me? I also like the sedan more.

Maybach replacement?

I hope they will have an announcer. Ultra-killll

Whenever I hear CryEngine I immediately think of SC. Perhaps they just flaunt it more than other developers? :)

Star Citizen is already confirmed to be safe even if it goes under. Indie projects would likely try to port under UE4, or fill the gaps with in-house solutions like SC.

I bet my ass could destroy these just like my last pair.

Hah, funny this post rolls around the day after my parents installed a browser extension proxy for chrome (all by themselves!) so they can get american Netflix.

This is a fair assessment, but when it comes down to risk versus convenience, they may compromise in favor of convenience. And maybe lock the computer in a lead cabinet :)

I certainly hope that a secure facility isn't buying bulk prebuilt workstations from a wholesaler, and if they are, they should be checked thoroughly.

Why dont they just use computers with no internet access? Keep them 100% off the network and they can't possibly be spied on.

This is amazing. We need these in NA

I just hope it's as reliable as the outgoing model. Attaching fiat scares the crap out of me.