I may be wrong, so don't quote me on this, but I think our moon's name is Luna (if sci-fi isn't lying to me!)
I may be wrong, so don't quote me on this, but I think our moon's name is Luna (if sci-fi isn't lying to me!)
A rental.
Beat me by 6 whole minutes.
You get back N
This is a confirmed bug. Slated to be fixed :)
The way I see it, is that they've hiked up the price on these premium ships so they won't have the universe flooded with them on day 1. Since EVERYTHING will be available in-game, I saw no reason to spend more than $65 on the 300 series (where I think someone at Kotaku may have posted that commercial before!). The…
#1 with Yawcam helped me slam-dunk a court case versus a shitty landlord. Incredible tool.
My dads first car was a meteor. He may as well have fueled it with $20 bills, because it was a turd. It made him broke, and influenced his decision to inhibit MY ability to buy my first car until I was done school and could afford something reliable. (He wouldn't help me pay for school if I bought a car). In…
To the rescue!!!
*takes notes* I'll remember to wash at least once a week next year
Im going to hit up Macs after work for a giant cream soda slushie. Or maybe coke. Or Dr Pepper. I'll decide when I get there!!!
I freaking played the balls off of Nuts & Milk when I was younger. It was on a bootleg NES cartridge my parents got imported from Japan called 76 Games in 1
Miata is not the answer!
"If Google had owned Twitch earlier, the "Twitch Plays Pokemon" story would have been "Nintendo Takes Down Pokemon Steam""
Porsche works with Burmester to make some of the best in car stereos that you can get. This one is no different. It's crisp and near perfection, easily one of the best stereos . Every little note just rocks. 4 Non Blondes have never sounded so good.
But...but.. My switchblade key is so fun to play with!!! *click* *click* *click*
Wow. I work a few blocks away from there (the crash was basically in front of the dealer too, hence the "Auto Park Cir" street sign in the first picture). I heard that somebody wrecked a Ferrari, but they didn't say that it was an F40!
1. Nappa
So they're adding LAN?