
T2 was not a misfire and is, in fact, a highly-rewatchable delight.

I, for one, am deeply disappointed that the potato industry hasn’t created a millennial-focused cultivar called the YouTuber.

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I’ve always loved this early appearance of Stan Lee on ‘To Tell the Truth’ where you can’t even recognize him until he speaks.

This guy is seriously up there with the likes of Mozart and Beethoven, and I feel blessed to be alive in the same time as him. And we can be eternally thankful that two people so well suited for each other as him and Sergio Leone were able to find each other.

“The Deadwood movie is in production, but HBO could probably still cancel it.”

I feel no show does everything perfectly. Can we just be happy that there are shows out there trying to garnish new perspective instead of demonizing everyone who doesn’t do it perfectly. 

I thought Season 1 was compelling while we were watching it, but around episode 5 you start to realize that it’s pretty much just a defense case. The makers of the documentary aren’t interested in exploring the case, they just want to show that Steven Avery is innocent. I was still upset by everything presented to us,

Because he did it.

So, he did it. He totally did it. Yes, it appears he was framed but he totally totally totally did it. Is there really any question that he didn’t do it?

Still thinking Sarah Paulson’s Doctor character is the true villain. That everything in this trailer is the first half of the film. Dunn vs Beast is the opening (him rescuing the Cheerleaders and capturing The Beast). The hospital/prison is all the middle act. The final act is them vs the Doctor. The scene of the

I’m just the opposite. I could NOT care less about groups of superheroes fighting groups of supervillains. The Avengers, X-Men, Justice League - big ol’ yawners.

Tales of heroes (super or otherwise) who, outside of their powers, are just ordinary people with friends and families and troubles of their own - those feed

I’ve always held that the main reason Peter resonates with people is because his arc rings truest. We’re all the kid who didn’t really fit in as much as we would have liked, when given superpowers we’d all take that as a sign that we should go out and use it to our advantage, and then after Ben’s death (which, unlike

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Obligatory reference to Upgrade which is probably the Venom movie in all but name for this year. I thought Logan Marshall-Green’s performance as a passenger in his own body during the fight scenes was remarkable. 

Here are your winnings, sir. 

I loved Solo, I loved TLJ, I love Star Wars. I’ll watch whatever new content there is to watch. But Solo should be coming out in three months, not four months ago. Marvel caught lightning in a bottle. Star Wars should have never tried to do the same.

GoldenEye coasts on a good opening scene. An opening scene that prompts the question: Why the fuck wasn’t Sean Bean playing James Bond instead of Pierce Brosnan?

You know this was in Spider-Man 2, right?

And yet First Man, whose studious attention to detail makes Apollo 13 look like Armageddon, is as immersive and even expressive an assault on the senses as the music movies its maker made before it.”