
Well played, sir.

It didn't crash at 150. The cops used a pit maneuver at, I'm guessing, around 50mph. The car never actually reached 150, not even close. Typical TV hyperbole.

A 'lot of similarities' is an understatement. It's almost pixel-for-pixel identical. I can't think of a more blatant copying of someone's UI.

What are you? Some kind of doomsday machine, boy?

That was my understanding. Cops are trained to ask questions that are designed to get you to admit your guilt. They will write that down, usually out of your view, and use it in court. Having said that, saying that you thought you were doing 75 is hardly strong evidence that you were indeed doing 75. Your speedo

On the topic of good design, or lack thereof, the original Bronco must predate man's knowledge of basic vehicle aerodynamics.

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Even if Honda had been at fault here I'd have given them the benefit of the doubt purely on the strength of their sublime Impossible Dream commercial. Oh, and for creating the NSX.

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Obviously no-one translated the classic Fifth Gear episode into Chinese. Not much speed required on entry to the loop, but subsequent G force is surprisingly high.

I don't think that gasoline purchases factor into how Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) is calculated by FHWA. It's a statistical method derived from readings from roadside sensors on various classes of public road which are then compared to prior years.

There is absolutely no point in using reason or logic with your woman ;-)

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DVD in decline. Reminds me of the gramophone sketch from NTNOCN (with a very young Rowan Atkinson).

Yup, my brain was taking a little nap earlier. Anyhow, I've seen one too many cases where the drunk driver flees the scene and then the DA refuses to indict for anything more than leaving the scene of an accident and failing to render assistance.

Sorry, got a bit carried away there. Yes it is manslaughter, but I suspect that they may not ultimately be charged with manslaughter.

This seems to be a pretty common occurrence in the US. What's going on? Are these drivers all drunk or are they just poor drivers?

What's 'auto(matic)' about this?

Disco Volante is the name of the bad guy's ship in the Bond movie Thunderball.

It's one way to promote their own 365 private label.

The US doesn't have privacy baked into its constitution and its policymakers are in bed with its wealthiest constituents (its corporations). You need to divorce the legal & political systems from commerce in a completely transparent way before you have any chance at meaningful privacy.

Once you have purchased a car, you are the owner of the car and the car company plays no part in any criminal endeavor facilitated by the car. In particular, the car company does not profit from your criminal behavior, nor does the car company incentivize your criminal behavior. Megaupload does both, and it knows it.

You're probably doing that in a vehicle that allows you to see a small child standing behind the car. In a tall vehicle, like the example Odyssey, it's basically impossible to see anything below a certain height regardless of how conscientious you are at looking out of the rear window. Anyhow, to my mind what we