Pretty decent Italian there from Alonso. Car looks crap in black however; I'll wait for the red.
Pretty decent Italian there from Alonso. Car looks crap in black however; I'll wait for the red.
Wow, I may have found my lost-at-birth twin brother! All of the things listed here annoy me every single day, primarily because they cause me to make mistakes when previously I never did.
Here's a quick fix for that bad URL: []
I'm with you on this one. Why would anyone want data on their every single purchase along with a record of their whereabouts to be available to unscrupulous companies and/or government entities? Not to mention the increased likelihood of fraudulent use of their credit because their card is swiped at thousands of…
Sorry to say this but the valet's doing it right; you're doing it wrong.
That was my first thought. The 911 rear-end has always been its best feature. Until the latest 991 model, that is, where the front-end now looks better (mostly because the rear-end doesn't look as good as it has previously).
Yes potentially. If you use OpenDNS, for example, then you'd probably need to add exceptions for your VPN servers (I did). According to OpenDNS, "VPN users should add the domain they VPN into as an exception. This will make sure your VPN connection is unaffected by OpenDNS"
Not sure my earlier post was as clear as it could have been but in the real theorem, yes it is likely — if you have an infinite number of monkeys and/or infinite amount of time then it's highly likely. But the tester has neither and if he corrects the goal (to attempt to produce the entire works of Shakespeare typed…
The monkeys aren't monkeys, of course, they're a metaphor for a process producing random letters. But no, there does not have to be one 'monkey' that will write the correct text first time, or any time in fact. The theorem is that they will "almost surely" write the text, not that they will "surely" write the text.
I was talking about the end of the universe being an event occurring within a finite amount of time, not an infinite amount of time. Anyhow, my intention was to assert that the performed study is largely pointless and has been completely misrepresented by an unknowledgeable press.
The thing about learning to drive a manual is that it makes driving more complicated but that's a good thing. It forces you to learn to manage a variety of inputs/outputs simultaneously which makes you more proficient and better-prepared. It also weeds out some people who just should not be driving. So, everyone…
This has pretty much nothing to with the infinite monkey theorem. The text (of the complete works, not just one poem) has to be written in full, with all the words in the correct order, in a single attempt. That's why it's so incredibly unlikely. You don't just pull a word from here, another word from there and…
I think that's it, and fix up the boot menu using bcdedit. Thanks.
So, I have a dual-boot system with an (expired) Windows 7 beta on on one partition. Wonder if I can clean install Win8 preview over that without messing up my other OS.
[I was going to post this even before I read yours] College is a business and as such will try to persuade you that what it sells is essential to your life and it will try to part you from your (or your parents') money. College is simply not for everyone, despite what they want you to think — the economic return is…
Finder can be a pain. It's going to offer you all mounted drives and your favorite places so should cover the location that you would ordinarily write user documents to. But you can modify the list of Places that appears in Finder — see item 2 at [] Also read Apple's Mac 101 Finder at [support.ap…
Think this is less about getting guys into the supermarket and more about getting guys to go home and download Sky TV’s app and use the Sky Go service.
Who did this, and why?