Right, I didn't mean to imply that he got what he deserved. I think he started the whole thing and he instigated the fight but, even so, the other two guys went way beyond what they needed for defense and should be facing some hard time.
Yup, I totally agree that kicking him when he's down takes it to a another level and the two guys should be charged with some pretty serious offenses. Kicking someone in the head, especially repeatedly, is arguably attempted murder.
No, they offer much more expensive and unsustainable things like public employee pension plans and state-subsidized healthcare. If you think the housing crash was bad, wait until all these unfunded liabilities hit.
The 'victim' here, Patterson, was also arrested on an outstanding warrant from an earlier, drum roll please, road rage incident which played out very similarly except in that case the other driver ended up with two black eyes. I can't condone the two guys in this incident kicking Patterson when he's down but there's…
Unlimited data plans should never have been offered in the first place. This is the kind of short-sighted, reckless offer made by someone who expects a short-term personal gain (big commission due to increase in new subscribers) without any accounting for the long-term cost (it's someone else's problem, I'll be gone…
Sure, if your car breaks down then you're not responsible (except in an extreme case, for example where your car breaks down every single day because you refuse to maintain it properly, in which case you had a duty to maintain it and may be partly responsible). But in the case where you're simply not paying attention…
I'd say that parking your car in a travel lane beyond a reasonable amount of time after the light turns green because you are texting would certainly be a contributing factor if there were a collision. However, I'm not really interested in who's at fault in this situation — I'm more concerned that everyone pay…
Plus the record of him *sending* texts in the minutes before the crash. Not to mention drifting from his lane into oncoming traffic almost as if were, oh I don't know, not paying attention. Just nix the texting, even at a stop light. What happens when the light changes to green while you're merrily texting your…
Agreed. Suspect that the agreement authorizes the company to bill your credit card for an additional $45- for each item not returned unused within two weeks. Or something like that.
I think it's $45- per item. The initial $45- is a deposit, and assumes that the typical customer will return 4 of the 5 demos. If you keep more than one then you owe them $45- for each additional item.
The original Zune Pass was something like that. You paid $15 per month for unlimited streaming (of music you choose) plus syncing to multiple Zune devices, but you got to download and keep 10 MP3s per month. Now they've retired the 10 free song option and reduced the price to $10 per month.
The Sweeney's theme music deserves an Oscar!
I see where you're going. I view coding as programming. I don't view 'encoding a text with presentation information' as coding/programming. That's not to belittle the HTML author in any way (have you seen how complex modern CSS is?!), but if you view coding as programming, as I do, then HTML has none of the typical…
Writing HTML markup is closer to authoring a Word document than it is to coding, if you ask me. Unless you actually add a bunch of JavaScript, you're not programming at all. Potentially valuable authoring tool nonetheless.
Wow, it's hard to imagine how it could look any better than that combo. Some nice pix at [www.planet-9.com]. Click the bar above each image to see it full size.
I would assume that the Boxster type number (986, 987, 981) is 10 below the corresponding 911 type number (996, 997, 991). And the reason the 911 type number decreased from 997 to 991 is that it was one of the few numbers still available. I think they're going to introduce letters in future, such as type 9A1.
I think they're all stolen by agents working for a consortium of German car makers (including Audi and Porsche). They want to continually verify that the interior of the Corvette is at least 30 years behind the competition. And Chevrolet does not disappoint.