Another contender for naive post of the day.
Another contender for naive post of the day.
British, right-hand drive.
Climbing Everest pre-1975 was a real challenge but since the Chinese put that ladder up it's just not the same.
OK cross out "No-one" and replace with "Only one person" ;-) For me, keyboards are all about comfort, utility, and keypress feel, not about prettiness, thinness and saving desk space.
OK, I read through patent number 7222078 so you don't have to ;-) It's a combination of the bleeding obvious and the absolutely absurd. The legal system needs to throw a pie in the face of these guys (and the original so-called 'examiner').
Suspect that the real keyboard is hidden in that tray below the center of the desk. No-one is going to control Win7 and Visual Studio (left monitor) with a midget Apple keyboard.
So where's the competing study of the problems associated with a standing job? Like sore feet, leg swelling, varicose veins, muscle fatigue, lower back pain, neck & shoulder stiffness, and other things.
Sure, TSA has that capability.
Perhaps the owner is a wealthy young lady named Nicola. And maybe she has "NICOLA" on her 599 GTB Fiorano, and "1 NICOLA" on her Tesla roadster. Or maybe not.
I wonder if the problem is antiquated software/database at the back-end. There's probably a whole stack of COBOL written in the 1980s to talk some ancient DB2 database or equivalent. Merely thinking of changing these things can cause them to go down for a week.
The latter option is standard Safari. No add-ons.
Using Safari? Brave man ;-) How about view the gallery, then right-click | Saved Linked File ...
View the gallery then Right-click | FlashGot Link works for me.
This must have been created during the romance & affection and domestic bliss phase of marriage.
Part of the problem here is that people have a strong incentive to lie when their mistakes will embarrass them or might end up costing them a lot of money in lawsuits. Just be honest and tell us you screwed up, and we'll like you a lot more. Right we now we think you're a liar, a lousy driver, and an idiot.
DRM impacts the media itself (audio, video, ebook files) that your software (media player/viewer) attempts to play/show. DRM doesn't prevent you distributing software to others.
If your bread or milk is still good one week after you bought it then chances are that it's loaded with questionable chemicals.
Very clever, though personally I rarely care to know what the current temperature is (I can feel it), it's the future forecast that I'm interested in. Also I wonder if this unusual use of APNs might cause regular notification spikes and ultimately provoke Apple into revoking the app's APNs certificate.
All kinds of uses. My personal favorite is for removing detritus from the roof of your (soft-top) convertible. Works like magic.