Get yourself a copy of Divvy from [] It fixes this annoying behavior once and for all.
Get yourself a copy of Divvy from [] It fixes this annoying behavior once and for all.
Here's the 2010, for reference. Generally the new lines seem more horizontal than diagonal so that things don't all converge. Looks good, but the proof is in the pudding so let's see what's happened to the front-end.
Ditto. My spidey sense tingles with gladinet, just as it does with all those free audio/video converter programs. I think it's the way they market their software — each software offering seems to do minor variants of the same thing but is advertised with a different colored box.
I see no ads. Let's just disable Adblock Plus ... aha, I see what you mean.
Second that recommendation. As long as the home computer's drives are NTFS.
@SquareWheel: I don't think W3C or W3Fools like W3Schools much. See [] for some reasons.
@crazypills77: Try the LUA section at []
@redplasticsoul: If it's more JavaScript education you're after then visit [] It has a lot of info, plus most of its code fragments can be run immediately via its interactive console which is great.
@kokanut: True in my experience anyway. When reading code it's much harder to see i than ii, and it's a pain to search for i (with text editors that don't support complete word search like /i/w) because you find it all over the place, but ii is a rarity and easy to find.
@supergeek13579: Well I hope that you enjoy it, whatever speed it goes at. Do some extra background reading on programming** and you'll be way ahead of the pack. Good luck.
Little known medical theory (I hesitate to call it a fact) — the region of the brain that inhibits risky behavior is not completely formed until about age 25.
@supergeek13579: A semester?! I don't think you're going to get off that easily.
@shkm: I'd also like to add that few professional programmers name their loop variables i, j, k any more. It's now much more common to see ii, jj, kk for various readability/ease-of-search reasons.
@frinesi2: You can hear Mr Pagani pronounce it at the web-site. It sounds like wire-ah.
I'll bet this looks utterly amazing in the flesh. Photos of new cars never do the real thing justice.
@lordargent: Fair comment about the environmental things — I'll grant you that Perl is very easy to get started with in that sense.
@lordargent: Perl can drive even experienced programmers nuts; I think it would destroy a newbie's will to live.
Sometimes I really question the training of US cops and the techniques that they attempt to use. In this case the 2nd cop moves into a position that puts the 1st cop in his line of fire, so they could potentially shoot each other. Way too much over-reacting by cops too, but that's probably a side-effect of the poor…
@ghost252010: It's easy to find the exact name — even though the router is no longer broadcasting it, every single client is!