
@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: OneNote is easier for the average person to use, if you ask me, but it's not as widely supported on devices as EverNote. Also OneNote costs cold, hard cash while you may be able to get away with a free Evernote a/c. Lots of comparisons on the web.[www.google.com]

@garrettloughran: Damn, that's real money. She could at least be putting the money aside for her grandkids' education!

@garrettloughran: Damn, that's real money. She could at least be putting the money aside for her grandkids' education!

@revdrkevind: He can do this just the same without paying a penny to AOL.

@garrettloughran: Save her some money. You can cancel AOL but maintain the AOL email a/c for free. Then just use AOL's webmail or even connect an IMAP client such as Thunderbird.

@Howard Blair: Thanks but I'd still have preferred a few KB set aside specifically for the purpose of providing that information *on the disc*. Most CD playing is done, by me at least, on a non-connected platform. It's beyond lame that my car displays "CD 3 Track 2".

If only they'd had the foresight to add a few measly extra KB for data, to include the artist, title, and track listing.

I don't see any option here for actually driving a Veyron. And no-one drives a Veyron cross-country; they're transported, very carefully.

@Adam: An objective and impartial legal system?!

@Adam: Teenagers commit a lot of crime, some of it serious. The people don't like serious crime so they vote for DAs and politicians who will get tough. Prosecutors like the 'treat as adult' option because it gives them more leverage and encourages guilty pleas in serious cases. On the other side of the political

Reminds me of the excellent children's novel 'The Twenty-One Balloons'. [en.wikipedia.org]

@FriarNurgle: He was 'surprised' by Julian Assange.

@tekkub: Check out [ptmoney.com] I know that BofA offers something called ShopSafe which restricts the virtual card number to a single retailer and has an expiration date, though not sure how much control you have over the exp date (up to one year) or repeat charges from the same retailer prior to expiration.

It seems to me that the comparison should not be father versus mother, it should be related males versus non-related males.

@quicksilver8478: No, you'd get it to run the command-line interface (CLI) of handbrake .

@quicksilver8478: You could use a tool like FileNotify** or WatchDirectory** to do this. Doubtless similar function could also be written fairly easily in VBScript or similar.

Hopefully Bernie will use his connections to ensure that the muggers are located and given a stern talking to.

Er, snow not equal to ice.