“Marvel is doing massive damage to moviemaking” is a point I would generally agree with, at least. I just count the push for unnecessary CGI as part of that.
“Marvel is doing massive damage to moviemaking” is a point I would generally agree with, at least. I just count the push for unnecessary CGI as part of that.
So far, nothing I’ve really wanted to play couldn’t either 1) run on the 1070Ti, or 2) run on the PS5. At some point there will probably be an Xbox/PC exclusive that I really want to play that it can’t handle, but that hasn’t happened yet. (and considering that this “budget” card costs as much as a console, I may…
Found the pic
If one of the biggest names in moviemaking (if not THE biggest) isn’t a good example, what the hell is?
You understand that “the practical VFX industry existing” isn’t a binary state, yes? That large portions of that industry being replaced by the underpaid and overworked is not a good thing?
The point that just accepting greedy exploitation is the only thing to be done? I thought that point too dumb to address.
1) Nick fury with a tranq gun (Endgame, I think?). Slightly exaggerated, not a stick, just an obviously-not-gun bit of plastic.
So you’re just fine with the exploitation involved. “Passionate about their work” is corp-speak for “underpaid and overworked”.
Still riding high on the venerable 1070Ti here. For 1080p, there’s still nothing that really troubles it.
Actually, CGI has done massive damage to the moviemaking industry. So many little stupid things get CGI’d, like having an actor hold a stick and then CGIing in a gun later because it’s cheaper to pay a graphics sweatshop to add in a gun than it is to pay a unionized prop manager. Actors having to try to portray nearly …
Okami is beautiful but... kinda dull.
TP was brilliant. I’m sad the somewhat-awkward Wii version put people off.
I mean, I’ll say they’re wrong. 1-3 should have been LTTP, OoT, and MM. They can fight over the order. (I’d personally put TP at 4, but I’m aware that’s unpopular). BotW gets #5 as a courtesy.
Putting BOTW at the top after talking about other games having “divisive” mechanics... seriously?
I find I have the best luck just glancing down the negative reviews and seeing *what* is being complained about. If it’s entirely about how the game is buggy, unfinished, and broken, rather than about thinly-veiled gamergate complaints, I know to check back later.
Nearly every bit of news that comes out about Marvel or Disney makes me wish I could somehow quit watching their movies again, even though I haven’t watched one in years.
I need people to understand that this company has been utter shit since the game was released (and possibly before, but they weren’t on my radar then). This is not even the slightest bit surprising.
Most appropriate response, thank you.
We’ve indicted a former president now. I say go after Bush for war crimes next.