
It has story, but it won’t be core to the main plot. Frozen Wilds only tangentally related to the plot of Forbidden West. “You first encounted Hephaestus there, and it didn’t go well” is basically the entire applicable summary.

I’m in the “Forbidden West should have been a PS5 game already” crowd personally, but I’m not gonna cry that more people got to play the base game.

And the utter stupidity of him using an example of their acceptance of... him getting divorced.

It’s why twitter *had* verified marks. Now scammers buy bluechecks.

Way to cement my personal opposition to the deal, Bobby.

I saw red for a moment at that headline. Do you have ANY IDEA how many times in the past few years I’ve run into gamestop just... refusing to even ORDER a new game, or straight-up cancelling one they allowed reservations for, because it wasn’t Call of Fifa ‘23 or whatever?

With how often it shows up in the FF series, Demon Wall has to be someone’s main squeeze.

I’ll have to check it out, thanks! Though I’m sure reality pales next to vague 20 year old nostalgia.

... damn, I miss Gauntlet.

The one situation where Paradox might actually be slightly better than the competition. Slightly. Maybe.

Meanwhile, I’m over here playing Fire Emblem: Dating Sim Edition, and waiting for the combat to be over so I can get back to socializing. XD

It’s the same old guts, causing the same old problems. I expect to see the exact same kind of bugs as in Fallout.


I will be shocked if Bethesda actually made a new engine rather than just slapping on some new mechanics to the tottering zombie of the Gambryo guts.

IF they’d had Soken on it, at least the music would have been good.

Oh yeah, there’s layers to this crapcake.

I suspect it’s a bit like Viera/Hrothgar and hats. Complaints often played up for effect, but with some actual legit grievance behind it.

I wish. I’d have higher hopes for Kerbal Space Program 2 if this were the case.

I only ever got to play it emulated, which made the 1v1 a tad more difficult. I still enjoyed the solo game though

Obviously it’s riffing on the SNES classic, “Metal Warriors”