Two words, a number, and a name. The entire company is being kept afloat by Final Fantasy XIV and Nakoi Yoshida.
Two words, a number, and a name. The entire company is being kept afloat by Final Fantasy XIV and Nakoi Yoshida.
You seem to be arguing with someone else, so I’m gonna opt out. Thanks.
How dare people enjoy something I don’t?!
There are degrees. The only argument I saw people making was the disparity between the single comment (that was reported, she made many others as it turns out), and the severity of the backlash and seriousness of apologies acting like she was a murderer.
KH has always flirted with self-parody. I’ve never been able to figure out if it’s intentional or just kinda sad.
I truly wish that any of this were illegal, or even uncommon. ... not that he’d be likely to see a prison even if it were.
It’s “icing on a crap cake” not “the last straw”. Calm down.
Legally his right according to the supreme court’s gutting of campaign finance laws, anyway.
While you can’t get the 3d, I’ve had no problem emulating 3DS games. Just finished playing through Fire Emblem: Awakening on the TV so my SO could see the story. The Wii U might be a bit more difficult, but far from impossible.
Source on other comments?
Still got lots of that rampant sexism and racism today
Christ on a crutch. Telling on yourself much. You’re already in a hole, quit digging.
And at least in F4, you can keep adventuring with your partner
It’s based on 80s/90s aesthetic, and made little or no effort to deal with the dated baggage that came with it.
Accurate analysis, but weird conclusion to draw. NMS being so good now is a wonderful demonstration of how “profit-over-all corporations are terrible for the games industry”
Nintendo never listens to *anyone*. Head so far up their arses they’re completely deaf. Best way to deal with it is emulation.
It’s getting a full release in the west; it’s not an import.
First gen Lara Croft was still better overall design than Lost Ark
Kotaku should really hire this Schreier guy. He seems to know his stuff.