@Kiwi Kawaii: And what, exactly, are you paying for when you buy a new copy of any video game? ;)
@Kiwi Kawaii: And what, exactly, are you paying for when you buy a new copy of any video game? ;)
Am I the only one who found Miranda ugly as sin, with an utterly repulsive personality?
My Money goes to the game: The Outsider, by Frontier Develpments.
@nipsen: Never said they did. Just that they spent more than enough time and effort to brand themselves as idiots ;)
@Vecha: No, they specifically stated in an interview last year that they have spent the past 2-3 years completely re-doing the game so that it will run on the 360 hardware. The original game was simply unsupportable by the Xbox.
@0xC001D00D: What's worse is they most likely sold Max Payne so that they could continue to bankroll the production of this tripe!
@Habboi: Now instead you get to run around in a linear fashion and point your flashlight while going "pew pew" in your mind! Isn't the new version a balls to the wall upgrade over the original concept? =D
Remedy was officially dead to me the moment they killed the PC version.
I think we are all overlooking the crucial slip-up here:
Amazing, I thought brown and darker brown were the only colors companies could legally use in post-apocalyptic games these days!
@Zarkumo: Brilliant. Truly Brilliant timing.
@nick111: To be fair, my statement: "You scare me more than most teenagers I've encountered on the internet", can be read in two ways:
@nick111: Sometimes I wish Kotaku had a report function. You obviously have no conception of what "hacking" is or what it requires, have very little grasp of rights and freedoms, and are incredibly immature overall.
@nick111: I...don't even know how to respond to the flood of pure ignorance I just read.
So what I glean from the article is that these fellows are exactly what corporations had thought gone in todays world of online purchases and diminishing brand loyalty:
I'll get behind any company that uses "Male Enhancement" propaganda to sell its game ;)
@Tousou: Starsiege was fricken balls-to-the-wall awesome my good sir. Hope on the Tribes 2 servers some time, it's pretty lively these days since the players started hosting it.
@Sakilla: I blamed Comedy Central, 4chan, and the general decline of western society.
Funny Story:
@Blith: Burnaby mountain got a foot of the stuff, twas absolutely bizzare. Trucks were driving into downtown with a half a foot on the roof ;)