
@johnlucas: So what you are essentially saying is that, for the vast majority of the history of video games, Activision has been the archtypical money-grubbing corporation with no soul?

@YardanCabaret: You forget that they have Blizzard, which makes $168,000,000 gross a MONTH. Activision will be around for some time yet.

@Vajesticles: I know what you mean. Can you imagine the news coverage of a story like "Fox refuses to pay royalties owed to James Cameron from Avatar. Sues for nebulous damages!"

@walls99: With that logic, then, it's 2010:

Am I the only one who see's the horrific Irony in the fact that the only developers who can "Afford" to make a real game these days are the ones who have almost no funding to speak of?

@chewblaha: Personally, the first time I got shot down in Crimson Skies was over my first ADSL connection with a Microsoft Sidewinder as a controller.

@Koztah: Every. Single. Time.

@Mancubus: I Completely agree with you. In fact, I had this exact argument with Robert Bowling a few months ago here on Kotaku.

@Koztah: GalCiv2 also had no DRM beyond a CD Key. Correlation?

@ReaveT: Amen. Only audience that matters are 10 year olds and fratboys. Damn the people that supported your studios for the past 20 years!

@HK-47: I would recommend checking out games like Love, or Minecraft, or Dwarf Fortress.

@ncprime: They usually don't pour millions into art assets until it's out of pre-pre-pre-pre Alpha-concept stage...

@Thoraxe the Impaler: Why thank you, I do so for a living. Again: Generic Ass shooters with a 1 dimensional plot and no noteworthy gameplay are overrated.

@Tarnationman: Did you miss the ENTIRE ARTICLE ABOVE explaining how they just got $4M to start a studio?

@maraxusofk: I'm fairly sure that's where I saw it first, actually :P

I'm surprised this was the best example you guys could find. Never seen the guy who 60 boxed WoW? Or the guy & his girlfriend who 47 boxed it?

@Sundeiru: I have yet to see more than a handful of games delay piracy past the release date. In fact, in every major release of the past 2 years, most of the games have been available cracked and playable as much as a week before the street date.

@Jarerex: My apologies, I missed the part about it only being a one-time activation.

I still fail to understand the logic behind this. Completely.