
I woke up about a week ago to a foot of snow on my Lawn here in Vancouver BC, during the middle of a heat wave. Bizarre weather this year around the world, it seems...

@lineypi: No, you're still missing it. MAG is still about leveling up, still about grinding, still about personal development. Still about meaningless numbers in a spreadsheet.

@Michael Dukakis: Sadly, Photoshop CS5 has not been released, thus I cannot give you concrete photgraphic proof of this claim.

Spaghetti has already descended from heaven and declared Deus Ex to be the best game ever made in history.

@GhostWhoWalks: Think of it as if Zelda, Morrowind, and Myst had a love child, and painted it in DOS-style pastels.

It's worth noting, but not immediately apparent, that the game world evolves over time as well. Forests will grow, deserts will recede, massive glaciers will advance and retreat. Where you had built a base last week, a gigantic ocean-filled chasm may have developed today. That mountain you built around your base will

@Jarerex: A...a star? For me? Really?

@Jarerex: Forgot to mention, his technology that allows collaborative editing of 3D Models in Maya or Max is going to revolutionize things if it gets widespread use. I've used it, it's fan-freaking-tastic.

Love has to be the single most amazing game I have played in eons. The term "emergent" is bandied about quite often, but for Love, it truly fits.

@MichaelPalin: Mainly because the Witcher series is built off of the original Neverwinter Nights Engine (aurora) which was developed not long after Morrowind...

Those fancy-pants "casual" kids these days need to know the pain of the Farsight. Noob-tube? Pff, nothing compared to getting sniped across the map, through walls, WITHOUT HACKS.

Send a mail to Jarerex if you wish to join the illustrious Hegemony of Gor! Slavery and wimmens abound!

this NEEDS to have been put on the cover art.

Twinsen was one of my favourite games as a kid! So awesome =D

Sega is the new Squaresoft. Play any of the RPG's they have coming out, you'll agree.

@relic1980: I can't, considering that even the most basic hardware you can buy off the shelf at wall-mart these days is 3 years ahead of the 360 power and architecture wise.

Ahh, delicious console bias. Never including the only best, most versatile gaming platform left: The PC.

To be fair, most of blizzards current lineup runs off of the WarIII graphics core, so it is unsurprising they still support it.