Jared Wolf

Kills Suze, breaks his thumbs.

… What should 24-year-olds be doing, then, by your standards?

Why am I still watching this show? I don't plan on stopping, either. I just… I don't know.

Looking only at #1s is lazy and limiting.. This study could have been done in about 20 minutes.

I laughed pretty hard at "I switched seats :3" but the rest was… passable.
Edit: 12 Angry Men is one of my favorite films, so I did appreciate the homage to some extent.. A lot of the angling and room-setting was a strong nod to the film, but, again… passable.

Isn't Mae with Landon Pigg? ("Falling In Love In a Coffee Shop")

"I don't like being hugged! I don't like being hugged!"
"Shhh shhh I'm hugging you."

I had to read that out loud about six times.

I'm with your wife: the Jeff's "hob" line was overly long and not terribly funny. Abed's "worth more in Scrabble" and "hob-guarding" jokes on the word, though, were killer.

Doing my best to follow the rule that one should never make assumptions about another person's sexual identity, I am still almost 100% sure that Seth MacFarlane is gay.

She already has two cell phones.

Anyone else not enjoying hearing him called "Larry" over and over?

Parenthood has also used the n-word, but that's on a whole other level of social significance that few other shows in primetime, if any, could even dream of touching.

Doesn't re-using an episode title really muddle things for syndication purposes and stuff?

Please; literally all of my comments are dumber than that.


Mulaney starts on Fox in the Fall.

Watched this on Instagram a few days ago and loved it. My second-favorite of the season after last week's. The gag-after-gag-after-gag format worked perfectly this time, but I kind of don't want to see it used again.

I'm sorry you're so roiled.

I can't even imagine how many downvotes I'm getting right now.