Jared Wolf

I powered through the whole episode (106 videos). The gag-after-gag-after-gag structure of the episode really fit the Instagram format, but was a marked difference from the rest of the season. Might have been my second-favorite episode so far, but I don't want to see another one like it.

Fair enough, sir.

I appreciate all of the examples that have nothing to do with what felonious meant… "Who you gonna call?" is a great example, though.

This is extremely common when stations switch formats.. Why is this case so newsworthy?

Lori Beth Denberg for life.

Oh Christ it is.

Fake band names are nowhere near as distracting as fake bRand names. "Facerange" on Degrassi:TNG made me cringe when they introduced it, and they've kept it around for years. (Though, to be fair, they also have a band called "Whisper Hug." Holy shit.)

Agreed on "Old Christine.." And a lot of people HATED that show

I can't even begin to guess at what OUaTiW stands for.. All I can think of is "Over-Under and Tits in the Woods"

… His wife's in a coma… But you can wake up from those.

This episode was all kinds of dull.. I can't remember ever having not enjoyed a Parks and Rec episode before… Maybe I was in a bad mood and didn't realize it.

1. Jay-Z - 268 (wouldn't actually win the election)
2. Drake - 85
3. Daft Punk - 83
4. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - 53
5. Lorde - 9
6. Eminem - 8
7. Imagine Dragons - 3
8. Alt-J - 3

Wait one second, I'm gonna rank these artists by Electoral College votes..

Same, please.