Jared Wolf

The fact that she's the only _______ to win *implies* "greatest _______ of all time." Like, if Quvenzhane Wallis had won Best Actress, the Oscars would essentially be calling her the greatest child actress of all time, or at least the only one worthy of winning an award.

I guess I'm alone in thinking this is an outstanding piece.. In what is typically a very unimpressive column

One Direction has gone platinum with all three of their albums

Mandatory Fun has sold 205k

Among albums actually released in 2014, the leader is Coldplay's 'Ghost Stories,' with 735k.

Why isn't it called "Now You Don't," though?

Sorry; the second-to-last sentence.

Misplaced comma. It has to be $159,550 or else the last sentence wouldn't make sense.

I'm totally on board with this article. That's all I have to say.

"Mediocre reception at the box office?" Considering its budget, it was a huge fucking disaster

It would have been better if she had lip-synced. That performance was 100% live and 100% awful. And I say this as a Lana fan who loved this album and loved the one concert of hers I was lucky enough to attend.

I've been working as a freelance music reviewer for a few months, and on one of the sites I work, I'm required to only write positive reviews, because the blog works directly for PR clients. A shrewd reader should be able to tell when I'm struggling to say something nice about an album, though.

He referred to this season as "season two." Jfc

I was thinking the same thing! I was feeling a little Seymour-on-the-beach for half a second but the balance was perfect.

Also, "Is it that guy? Is he the food man?"

If nothing else, the titles of the Family Guy-universe Downton Abbey equivalents were pretty funny

I'm not gonna win anything by keeping silent, either.

Ahhhh thank you.

Which one's supposed to look like Justin Bieber?

Pleased to meet you.