
The whole thing of the 1% raping the middle class over the last 40 years or so, after Reagan’s trickle down on our heads fiasco, probably is having a deleterious effect on the average person’s economic capacity to embrace the new electric conversion technology.

You need to quit this fake “Husband in Canada” nonsense. I am up here in Canada and haven’t met a single person married to you! It seems that all Canada is to the US is a source of fake girlfriends/boyfriends. We’re real people!!!

Its not just bugs. The overall interface and design is flawed. Takes like 15 minute to go thru all the shit just to start a game. UI/UX blows. The other version I could just hop in tank or jet and just start battling. Now it’s a hassle to even get a game started and just crap overall design. They need to issue

China was a war torn colonial playground just 100 years ago. A big mistake we as Americans make is judging other parts of the world by our current conditions.

It’s endlessly distressing that we finally have PCs and consoles that can realize the ridiculous vision of the original Battlefield 1942, and all the games in the series stink now. Like, I just want to drive around in tanks and planes and shoot stuff, how do you mess that up so bad with a decade and a half of progress

It’s like he took this Bentley:

It’s a common problem when companies bring in someone who does fashion or painted art to do industrial design. In car design there are common expected proportions and rules for both the shape and the details. Messing with those proportions causes an uncanny effect, the same as shifting a person’s hips down six inches.


Well, I think Jason has done equally as much for car culture.

“Than damn near anybody” is obviously hyperobole, but you get my point. I have friends who don’t care about cars at all sending me Doug videos, and that’s just awesome.

Oh, I like Doug, appreciate what he’s done, and am happy with his success. I truly hope people enjoy his work. The videos just aren’t my thing. I don’t consume much of my entertainment that way, and never got into it after he left.

45 minutes of De Muro is at least 45 minutes too much.

I recognised that immediately, and felt ashamed that the M1 has to be in any way associated with this hideous montrosity.

To be a bmw designer you must be locked in a padded room for 2 days and fed nothing but LSD. They are constantly playing videos of moving hexagons on a loop.  The only other entertainment is a 70 piece set of magnet blocks.

Rav 4 is what the production version will look like. The only difference is that 7/8ths of the front will be consumed by light up kidney grills.

Gotta get dem clicks...

I legitimately don’t know what to say about this, the problem is these ‘games’ are nothing of the sort. They aren’t fun, they aren’t even gambling, they just straight up exist to take advantage of people with problems. I honestly struggle to see this as anything except fraud, and I’m saying that as someone who thinks

Because everyone is just running around doing their own thing. The gameplay changes no longer encourage teamwork. Plus the maps are just giant open empty parking lots.

I’ve had moments that had me shaking with excitement and adrenaline - it’s a sublime gaming feeling to warp in formation with your wing of 30 friendly stealth bomber pilots, land on top of an unsuspecting target, and bomb it to oblivion. It feels cool as hell to sit at a bookmark with your squad, waiting for orders to

Because people are willing to buy the games broken. So what’s the incentive to wait until they’re fixed/complete?

The easy answer is: they didn’t have time to do all that. They had to put out a product on a specific date so they can make the most money, and i guarantee you that the backlash was pretty much expected.

Because we’ve normalized the idea of the “redemption tour” in which publishers can put out half-finished games,

I think this is a bit overly reductive. There are plenty of hot girls who try to stream on twitch and use their hotness to launch their platforms. The numbers say they fail. Something like 90% or more of the top streamers were men.