Weird how my comment about you saying “poor and lazy” as well as referencing Nissan Altimas in the same paragraph, was not posted. Tell me you're racist without telling me you're racist
Weird how my comment about you saying “poor and lazy” as well as referencing Nissan Altimas in the same paragraph, was not posted. Tell me you're racist without telling me you're racist
Another thing to point out is that the IIHS now only gives their best safety rating to cars with “good” headlights.
Just pointing out that you combined “poor” and “lazy”. Also interesting that you used the Altima as your anecdotal example, as that is a well known affordable and easy to finance vehicle for people of a certain demographic. Hmmmm
I’ve been loving his videos for years, but yeah, as he grew bigger, you can see a struggle for new material sometime in his writing, and as a result I think he cranked up the vocal impressions and shock schticks a bit. Its a bit much for me at times.
TN also just banned being homeless and punishes it with a fine and jail. This move was not at all meant to help anyone, it was meant to make whoever wrote it look good. TN govt absolutely doesn’t care about children, they’re one of the worst states in the country in regards to taking care of their citizens.
LMAO we are funding a Saudi Arabian genocide of Yemen and it’s described as “intervening in a civil war”
Boy Jr. is hilariously awesome and does an amazing live show too!
I don’t know if it’s the case here but some of the newer writers who put out absolute garbage like to dismiss people left and right who are critical of their work
This. Nearly every tan Taco I see has a Punisher / blue line decal or similar
After the final round of yet more of my favorite writers leaving (this time Torchinsky and Tracy) I find myself coming back here every few days to see if it’s still a worthwhile site, but nope, I keep seeing shit like this
This is typical for a first year Subaru “niche” model. It’ll also take them another 6 months or so to fully update the accessory offerings for the car. The vast majority of WRX Premium models sold without the upgraded package in the past few years, and the vast majority of Limited models had the biggest package. …
Yeahhhh I’m gonna go sing Donut’s Pop-Up Headlights song and browse another site. I’ve seen enough people jumping ship and enough shitty articles. Good luck y’all
I thought it was rather common that electric motors have some sort of overheat prevention built in. Like on Subaru, the power tailgate motors stop working if you open and close the tailgate too many times in a row. If I’m working a seat motor for 90 seconds, I’m an idiot and it probably should be shut off temporarily…
Like half the country these days makes under $35,000 a year and what’s the statistic of how many Americans can’t afford a $500 emergency? Like 70%? And rising costs of housing and food etc? Might have something to do with it.
Ohhhh cool, I’m a gray again. Thanks guys.
For sure. But, he pre-judged them before going in. And then he stood back and watched them. At any point he coulda politely spoke up, knowing that they might not be as trained as would be ideal, but instead he held back, aside from the “are ya sure you know what ur doin there buckos”, no doubt cuz there’s a story in…
Nice job blaming the low paid workers, instead of the Valvoline that doesn’t pay a good enough wage to attract skilled workers. Those workers could have very well been told they would be trained, or they could be there for any other number of reasons, and yeah, the fact that the management was nice enough and so quick…
Look who started the reports of the organ harvesting. I can’t even with this.
Dude everything you said the US does, but worse.