Jared E

Lmfao of course it’s somehow Trumps fault according to unnamed sources. You all have lost your damn minds.

The should run the roval

I think the C6 will age better than the C7.

God you are dumb

If not being filled hysterical hatred of someone because they disagree with me makes me a republican than maybe you should re-evaluate your political views and/or life.

Your right spending time with your own child could never be fun. What a nazi.

How do you know it wasn’t her idea?

Welcome to unigawker.

Trump has fun with his own child OMFG what a nazi!

Thats great news for Texas.

14k is stronger 24 is way to soft to survive shifting. Don’t be so stuck up about it, it’s most likely plated anyways.

Its what happens when racing homologation engineers a road car.

I think he’s make my himself richer because of believe he got part of Ferrari when it was spun off.

It’s like the Chrysler brands would be better without fiat lol

Socialism is shortsighted

Most of these people won’t live to see things sorted out.

Bernie cited it as an example for socialism and he’s supposed to be the expert.

Here we go with all the leftist excuses., that’s not dur democratic socialism even tho he was elected democratically. Lol the mental gymnastics these people will do to keep their fantasies alive is insane.

This is unigawkervison government is always good corporations are always evil.