Jared E

What? You expected GM to continue to employ people for not working?

Making money on cars must really confuse him.

Jersey drivers drive quick? Every time I see a car with jersey plates they are going 30mph under the speed limited or are stopped at a green light.

Very sad

So can we stop forcing them to meet environmental and Safty standards then?

Do as I say not as I do typical of anyone in government.

Don’t forget how he destroyed the WSC a series with 40+ years of fantastic history because it was competing with F1.

Porsche Panamera ST

The Monaro was designed in the 90s.

Yes! That’s funny!

Hoosier actually makes the Conti race tires.

It was in 2012.... Welcome to the Obama administration.

How much time do we have until this happens?

Colin Capman would be disappointed

What running boring v6 hybrids didn’t save the environment... SHOCKING!

I wish other manufacturers would stop copying that roofline and black a puller design.

Audi wasn’t really involved in that. Porsche + Audi was a dealer marketing thing.

You mean executives like the CEO and Executive Vice President and Board member of NASCAR Lisa France? Every network has female reporters. There also women crew member like Leena Gage who won Le Mans over all 2 times with Audi Sport. You would know these things if you actually knew what you were talking about.

A Diesel gate VW will be a collectable one day.

Do you have any actual experience with this at all? Nothing matters in racing except money. Danica has a ride with one of the best teams because she brings money. Bring money and you will get a ride there is no team owner out there denying a woman with money a ride because they saw some girls working for Monster. You