
Dunkin Donuts! Subway! Ebay! Apple! LG! Audi! Red Bull! NBC! MasterCard! Windows! Baskin Robbins?

@AreWeThereYeti: but maybe he planned on doing both the exclamations and normal capitalization. he just sacrificed one of those. that classy bastard.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: it's exponential, so every time you fold it, it's twice as thick as it was before. one piece of paper is something like 0.01 cm thick, but when you fold it once it is 0.02, two folds it is 0.04, three 0.08, etc. It takes 8 folds to be over 200 pages thick, a few more folds after that, and the piece of

already saw this on college humor a couple days ago

@Kirkaiya: either way, it probably pays really well.

nevermind. i put one on amazon.

@Liam: well shit. i have 7,601 copies of avatar.

@Tommy Five: but he spent the money on hard drives instead...?

@Stem_Sell: "The rest of the space in the cabinet is for batteries!"

@propelledjeans: well, we need to take a break from macbook air news somehow.

not too crazy about the wedge shape, but it's definitely quite an upgrade from the last one.

@Ding-Dang: I thought they were going to surprise us with a cd drive somehow because they kept only showing one side of it. oh well.

I think that was my first cell phone six years ago. (or it looked just like that)

@iAmWillJ: Well, I didn't drink it with a bottle of Reduced Fat "Milk Chug" like in the picture. maybe I did it wrong...

I was wondering when they would do this, I saw these at the grocery store about a year ago (they are kind of nasty)

@Myklsan: I'll Return when I think of one. Maybe then I can have some Control over this conversation.